Broken heart....?

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Kazuto's p.o.v.

"We need to talk." Without turning around, I said to Sinon, standing behind me. I then silently walked past Sinon, and out of Asuna's room and went toward mine with Sinon silently following behind. My room was one room away from Asuna's room. So, it wasn't far. On the way, I grabbed my phone and called Alice.

"Hey, Alice. Can you go inside Asuna's room?" I let out a pissed voice. But, I didn't want to take out my anger on Alice. So, I tried to stay as much calm as I could.

"Why? What happened? And, why do you sound angry?" Alice bombarded me with many questions from the other side of the phone.

"It's just....Asuna found out about the truth." I said as she yelled in surprise. Almost destroying my right ear.

"What?! How?!!"

"I will explain later. Just keep an eye on her, she's unconscious. Call me when she'll wake up. I'll be in my room with Sinon." That's all I said before putting my phone back into my pocket. I also reached my room and went inside. Sinon also entered as the door closed behind her.

"Kazuto. What was that?" Sinon asked standing behind me, starting at my back. Suddenly, I heard the door open again followed by a voice.

"Kazuto, what happened? What's with all the commotion? Who was crying? It was Asuna's voice. What happened?!" Eugeo bombarded me with questions while entering the room in a panic. But, seeing Sinon, he went quiet.

"Kazuto...?" Eugeo said.

"Asuna.....has been hallucinating her close friend, Yukki, since her death." I said trying hard not to snap while ignoring Eugeo. Anger was completely visible in my voice. And, I'm pretty sure that Eugeo also understood the situation now.

"What do you mean?" Sinon asked.

"On the day this all started. We were in our school. Before things could get worst, we four ran out but Asuna got separated. She was trying to find Yukki. But, when I went inside again to find her, I saw Yukki's body, leaning against the wall. She had numerous bite marks on her body. And her neck was completely ripped open." I started explaining from scratch. I still hadn't turned around and faced Sinon. And I was barely keeping my anger inside. I knew that if I will turn around and even look at her face, I'll snap.

"Asuna...didn't yet know that her friend had died. And I hadn't planned for her to find out. I wanted to take Asuna outside while making her think that Yukki had just disappeared or escaped by herself. But, while escaping from school. We encountered Yukki. However, Yukki wasn't alive or a human anymore. She had turned into them, a walking corpse." I took a deep breath as I remembered that grim moment. The moment when I mercilessly attacked Yukki with my bat all while leaving Asuna shocked in her place.

"Before she could do any harm, I ran forward and mercilessly killed her while Asuna froze on her spot with shock and fear. Witnessing the cruelty that had occurred. Watching me mercilessly killing her best friend. Going into a trance. And after that, she still asked me to find Yukki.......At that moment, I started to get wary of what could happen." I said.

"But, when did she start seeing her?" Sinon asked again. She sounded completely calm for someone who just gave someone an extreme panic attack. And that was pissing me off. Yet, I didn't want to snap at her without explaining.

"When we were just about to get out, an infected grabbed Asuna's leg and she bumped her head on a desk before falling unconscious. After that, when she woke up she declared seeing Yukki. I did get extremely shocked, but realized what had happened and instantly went quiet. Playing along with her. The exact thing happened that I feared was happening. She started hallucinating Yukki. Unable to bear the truth." I explained as I remembered her thanking me for saving Yukki on the bike that night. And that moment, I did grasp myself, yet I was heartbroken and shocked too. But, I just couldn't say anything. Couldn't explain anything. And we were outside too at night. So, it would've been bad if anything occurred there or we got distracted.

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