Strange place, shocking encounters

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Kazuto's p.o.v.

"It means anyone here can also get infected anytime." I let out with slight panic as my group also turned around with me and looked toward our surroundings.

"Exactly." The officer spoke from behind. He then walked past beside me.

"Oh, and one more thing." The officer said while still walking forward and not turning to look at us.

"We will be leaving somewhere tomorrow. And, you all are going to come with me." He announced, making me confused.

"What do you mean? Where are we going?" I asked from behind him as he stopped on his spot.

"It's not important now. You'll know when we'll get there. In reality, the plan to leave was after 2 days. But, seeing the situation getting more and more out of hand, we have no choice but to leave tomorrow." He explained, his toned back right in front of me a few distances away.

"This doesn't answer my question, Officer." I spat at him while turning my body and putting my left leg in front of me. My hands formed a fist beside me.

'Who does he think he is to boss us around?' I gritted my teeth.

"We don't even know your name and you expect us to go somewhere you want?" I said as he didn't move from his place. My group was also silent, listening to me. Asuna was on my left and Alice was on my right, Eugeo was on Alice's right, just a few steps in front beside her. And Sugu was on Asuna's left, right beside her. Takeshi was beside the officer, facing us, slight tension visible on his face.

"Oh, that's right. I really haven't told you about my name." The officer spoke. I could see him lifting his head high.

"My name is Isamu Morito." He said while turning around and finally looking at me. His hands were tightly crossed in front of his chest with his head held high like he was looking down on me.

'Isamu Morito. So that's his name.' I thought while squinting my eyes toward him, my teeth still clenched. His first name 'Morito', and his surname 'Isamu'.

"Now you know my name. So, I can take you whereever I want, end of discussion." He said before bringing his arms beside him and going toward the right side.

"Hey, that isn't any valid argument!" I yelled from behind as he walked toward the door that leads downstairs.

"The journey might become more tiring from now on. So, I suggest you get as much rest as you can." That's the last thing he said before he and Takeshi went downstairs. Leaving me alone with my group and a few cops doing their work.

"Kazuto-Kun, calm down." Asuna put her right hand on my left shoulder while coming toward me, concern visible on her face.

"Yeah, Kaz. Let's just wait and see what he does." Eugeo worriedly spoke while walking toward me now.

"I swear, if he has planned something to hurt you guys, I'll kill him." I hissed while looking toward the door from where Morito had walked downstairs.

The Next Day.

Asuna's p.o.v.

At night, we all stayed at the station. We were all in the waiting room, many cops were around there too. Doing their usual work. Yet, as we were to leave somewhere tomorrow, the station was more lively and busy. For some reason, Isamu-san refused to tell us about that place. We all had fallen asleep on the sofas that were in that room. As the headquarter was huge, the waiting room was also quite spacious. There were two sofas opposite each other in the room along with some chairs. The sofas had a table in between. Creating a small set. My group occupied both sofas. On one sofa, Alice had fallen asleep sitting on the far left side. And Sugu had fallen asleep while resting her head on Alice's lap. Alice's right hand was hanging on the side of the sofa while her left hand was on Sugu's shoulder. On the other end of the sofa, Yukki had fallen asleep while bending her legs under her, slightly slipping on the side. And on the other sofa, right in front of the sofa where Alice was sleeping, right in the middle was I, Kazuto-Kun, and Eugeo. Kazuto-Kun was sitting in the middle with his feet on top of the table. On his right side, was Eugeo. He was curled up in Kazuto-Kun's lap while facing the table in the middle. Kazuto-Kun's right hand was on Eugeo's head like he was caressing it. He does act like the older brother sometimes. Both were completely knocked out. I was also in deep slumber. I was on Kazuto-Kun's left side. I had turned my body toward him with my legs bent under me. My arms wrapped around his left arm and my head rested on his left shoulder, his head was also leaning on my head. The left side of his forehead touching the top of my head. Soft snores coming from all of us. We passed the night like this, and now here we were, on the roof, looking at the cops getting many helicopters ready. Some cops were putting weapons on some copters while others were getting ready themselves. I was standing along with my group, quietly looking at everything that was going on.

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