part two; Good boy

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Pina raises an asking eyebrow over Legoshi's weird behavior.
He opens his mouth to ask Legoshi if something is wrong since he really cares about him.
"Don't stand there and look like an idiot... Either you can sit down and tell me what's wrong... Or you can move your ass and get me something to drink" Pina snorts smiling and shoved a little wool away from the face.
Shoot... Why do I always have to mess it up?!
Legoshi inhales deeply and stands more upright while the corners of his lips jerked a slightly upward.
"I am ehm..." Legoshi blushes and starts squirming.
"...Fine..." he exhales ashamed of his earlier thoughts and lowered his head.
Pina exhales a little relieved.
"Well... If you are alright, then you can make some use of your pathetic life and get me something to drink... I'm thirsty... And I don't want to get dehydrated... My beauty all depends on I'm taking care of myself" Pina waves his hand off-handedly at Legoshi.
Louis glares asking and a little annoyed at the dall sheep.
"Then you can perhaps get your own drink without forcing Legoshi running your errands..."
Pina tilts his head.
"And how would I get my drink without Legoshi fetching it for me?"
Legoshi starts waving his hands.
Louis snorts shrugging.
"Maybe by you're using your feet and walks downstairs there you are getting the drink?"
Legoshi clears his throat while waving his hands.
"I ehm... Don't mind getting the drink for him"
Pina points swiftly at Legoshi.
"See?! He doesn't mind getting me something to drink" he smiles victorious.
Louis rolls his eyes.
"He only says that since he thinks you would get upset if he said no..." the deer shakes his head and looks at Legoshi.
"Legoshi-...Sit..." Louis starts saying.
Like a spell, Legoshi sat down right there he stood.
Pina raises his eyebrows shortly before he snickers.
Legoshi froze with a frown when he understood his mistake. How he made a fool of himself by following Louis's command.
But despite he wants to stand up, it seems something inside him is stopping him from that.
Even Louis looks surprised at him as he didn't thought Legoshi would take his words literally.
"I ehm..." Louis clears his throat nervously.
Pina grins and stands up from the armchair there he walks over to Legoshi.
"And now...Spin around" Pina tells Legoshi and makes spinning movements with his index finger.
Legoshi wides his eyes a slightly gasping.
But a few seconds later he starts spinning around.
Which makes Pina to giggle of amusement.
"Good boy..." Pina praises which makes Legoshi's tail wagging happily.
Louis raises an eyebrow.
"Pina-... I don't think this is very appropriating since he is seeing himself as a sheep" Louis furrows his eyebrows.
Pina snorts and kneels down a little.
"Screw that... He seems liking it...Right Le-gosh-iii?" Pina says and uses a silly voice when he said his name while he was scratching him behind the ears.
Legoshi smiles goofily and starts rubbing his face against Pina's body. His tail thudded at the floor.
Pina places a soft kiss on his forehead.
"And now... Can you be a really good boy and get me a bottle with water from the kitchen?... I want water with sparkle"
Legoshi sits upright in stiff movements as he was still in some weird spell. Then he stands up there he quickly walks to the door.
Pina chuckles proudly over himself and stands up while Legoshi opened the door and walks out.

The dall sheep turns around and noticed Louis judgemental look.
Pina jolts grinning with the hand in front his mouth.
"Ops-... I totally forgot to ask you if you wanted to take the chance and get anything to drink while Legoshi kindly is getting some for me anyway" he shrugs.
Louis shakes his head snorting.
"I don't know your problems... But if you keep behaving as a bitch, Legoshi will one day get tired of you and dump your bratty ass..."
Pina exhales surprised and lowered the hand.
"Heh-..." Pina furrows his eyebrows and let's out a short laugh.
"It's not like you are perfect either... It wasn't until after you quit school you started to be friendly with Legoshi... Didn't you two had an argument there you started fighting at the festival?... I'm pretty sure I've heard rumors about that..."
Louis gives Pina an angry gaze.
"...Perhaps those rumors are true, but... It wasn't like I were Legoshi's boyfriend and hurted his feelings... Your hurtful words harms him more than any words coming from me would"
Pina shrugs and sits back down at the armchair.
"Unlike you, Legoshi knows I have problems to express my feelings... I have already told him, I'm always accidently hurting the animals I care most about... Sadly I'm that kind of animal who would say 'I hate you'...But instead I tried saying 'I love you'... And when I'm saying 'You have an ugly face' I actually tries saying 'you are beautiful'... Weirdly I can only be kind to animal I give no shit about..."
Louis raises an eyebrow and is eyeing Pina up and down.
"Wow-... That was really a bad excuse..." he snorts.
Pina clicks his tongue.
"Maybe-...Or maybe not... At least that's the truth..." Pina says and opened his suitcase a little. Enough space to get his hand inside.
A few seconds later he pulled up a bottle with alcohol.
Louis dropped the jaw surprised of seeing Pina had brought alcohol with him.
"Wait?... Why have your brought that with you?... Aren't you ehm...Minor?" Louis asks and sits stiffly upright.
Pina grins widely.
"Who cares about my age right now? It's not like I have any parents who would get upset over me drinking"
Louis stutters a few words.
"What do you mean? Are they alright with you're drinking? Or they are ehm..."
Pina takes tha cap of the bottle.
"They dumped me the moment they found out I was together with another male..." he fills in.
Louis furrows his eyebrows sadly over the information. He knows how much pain it causes when you have a parent who neglects you. But he could never imagining how it would feel if Ogma ever would disowned him. The shame of getting tossed away. And the sorrow of getting betrayed of the ones you thought loved you.
"Wow-...Just wow... I don't have any words to explain what I'm thinking right now...It really suck" Louis exhales.
Pina nods agreeing.
"Same... And that's probably why; they created alcohol" Pina snickers and waves a little with the bottle before he takes a few gulps of the whiskey.
Louis hums thoughtfully.
"Maybe..." he mumbles while thinking.
Pina extended the arm with the bottle in his hand, against Louis.
"Want some?"
Louis looks curiously at the bottle. It seems the alcohol calls; famous Grouse. At least that's he thinks he could read between Pina's fingers.
The deer smiles and grabbed the bottle.
"Why not..." he says and looks asking at the table as he thought he would find any glass there.
But since there aren't, he shrugs and starts drinking directly from the bottle.
Pina giggles.
"And now, we indirectly have kissed..." he teases and makes Louis to spit out some alcohol while he flinched.
Pina starts laughing.
"Hahaha-... You should have seen your face!" He points out laughing while Louis wipes his mouth.
Louis looks blushing away with the opening of the bottle in front the mouth.
Pina grins chuckling.
"And now you are blushing!" He adds.
Louis stares frustrated at him.
"Don't assume things!" The deer mutters and takes big gulps from the bottle.

When Legoshi finally came back with a bottle with sparkling water, was more than half of the whiskey gone.
None of Louis and Pina had left their seats since they started drinking. And both of them seem pretty sober.
It's only the blush on their cheeks and they uncontrolled giggling who reveals them. That they aren't completely sober.
Pina sits happily upright when he noticed Legoshi the moment the trans-sheep had walked around the corner.
"LEGOSHI!" the sheep shouts overjoyed and stands hastily up from the seat and starts walking in a straight line against him. At least he tried walking in a straight line. Instead he ended up with wobbling around while walking against him.
It was like the alcohol gave his head a hard kick the moment he stood up. From being fine he became not very fine during those few seconds it took to stand up.
Louis starts laughing hysterically out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around his stomach as he was in pain.
Pina raises an eyebrow and starts turning around when he was about a half meter away from Legoshi.
But the movements make him to take a clumsy step and he bumped into Legoshi who grabbed him instinctively.
"Whoops-..." Pina giggles and looks playfully up at Legoshi who stares shocked at him.
"I fell~..." he smiles over his misstep.
The trans-sheep clears his throat while his mouth hung opened.
"YOU ARE DRUNK!" Louis squeaks excited.
Pina snorts and glances at him.
"No am not!"
Louis laughs.
"Yes, you are! Try walk again and see if you can even walk in a straight line" he challenges before he lifted the bottle and takes big gulps from it.
Pina clicks his tongue snorting and turns away from Legoshi.
"Easyyy..." he says and tries shoving some wool away from his face, but missed and waved the hand next his head instead.
Then Pina starts walking against Louis but starts taking a few missteps almost immediately.
"Oh?!-..." Pina gasps and stumbled to the side as he was about to fall.
Legoshi inhales sharply and moved quickly forward there he grabbed Pina's arm and helped him up.
The dall sheep blinks surprised at Legoshi while Louis chuckles and keeps pointing out how drunk Pina is.
"My herooo~" Pina purrs and wrapped his arms around Legoshi's neck there his hand hitted Legoshi's horns and moved their position on his head a little.
Legoshi inhales deeply and wides his eyes.
"Y-your what?" He asks curiously with increased heartbeats.
Pina snickers and strokes his lips at Legoshi's.
"My hero~... Whom I L-... eh...Lo-?... Looou, what am I about to tell hiiiim?" Pina whines and looks begging at Louis who tilts his head.
"Eh? ... Do you mean the part, there you want to tell him how much you hate him?" The deer asks very confused.
Pina laughs with furrowed eyebrows.
"NOOO... Why so mean, Loooou? I don't hate him... I L-l...ehm... ah!" Pina flinches and grins at Legoshi who stares blushing at him.
"I LOOOVE YOU, My dear~" Pina shouts and kisses Legoshi again.
Louis jolts from the couch.
"WHAT?!... YOU LOVE ME?!" He wides his eyes shocked and without the knowledge he is speaking pretty loudly.
Pina breaks the kiss laughing and looks asking at Louis, still clinging onto Legoshi.
"What?!" He gasps after air.
Louis gulps blushing.
"YOU said deer!" Legoshi explains.
Pina tilts his head.
"I did?"
"YES!" Louis shouts loudly.
Pina shrugs smiling.
"Then I did"
Legoshi jolts.
Pina looks confused at him.
Legoshi furrows his eyebrows worried.
"Did you told Louis you love him?"
Pina grins and let's go of him.
"I dunno... But if you say so, then I did..." the dall sheep says and grabbed his t-shirt.
Then he pulls the t-shirt up and takes it off.
Legoshi wides his eyes shocked and inhales sharply while his dick jerked a little.
"What are you doing Pina?!" Legoshi asks gulping. Feeling a slightly hurted that his mate told someone else he has feelings for him.
But he isn't completely sure how to feel about it since he is very confused over the situation he walked straight into.
The trans-sheep starts rolling the bottle in his hand as soothing movements. Forgetting he is shaking the sparkling water.
Pina tossed the t-shirt randomly at the floor.


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