part three; bad day

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The second Pina unzipped his jeans and starts pulling them down over his hips, Legoshi starts freaking out and waving his hands.
"W-wait... Y-you S-should M-maybe N-not D-ddo that..." Legoshi stutters nervously while Louis exhales surprised from looking at Pina from the couch.
Pina hums asking and looks at him.
"Why not? Don't you want to see me naked?"
Legoshi stops waving his hands and exhales shakily while he wides his eyes a little.
"I ehm...Eh..." he gulps fidgeting.
Pina smirks.
"I kneeeew it~" he sings out and pulled the jeans further down.
Pina grunts surprised when he noticed he had shoes on.
"Heeeeelp me Leeegoooshiii!" The dall sheep whines and lifted one of his feet and started wiggling a slightly.
Legoshi raises an eyebrow.
"W-with W-what?" He gulps.
"Myyy shoooeees" Pina waves with the foot he already had lifted to get Legoshi's attention down there.

Louis giggles and starts standing up.
"Let me help you" the deer says and starts suddenly leaning clumsy down at the table with his arms supporting him up.
The alcohol is rumbling uncomfortable in his stomach.
Louis swallows hardly. He doesn't want to turn his stomach inside out. It would be really embarrassing if he threw up in front the others.
But the saliva production was increased and wasn't a very good sign. It was a sign his body was preparing for the damage the vomit otherwise would had caused him and his teeth. But wouldn't now since the saliva lays as a coat to protect the teeth from the toxic.
Legoshi looks asking over Pina against Louis.
"You're alright, Louis-senpai?"
Louis chuckles bothered.
"Y-yeah... I'm fine...For now...Heh-..." he cold sweats. Maybe he is handling the alcohol a slightly better than Pina whose actions changed dramatically the second he stood up. But... Louis has never been good with keeping the strong liquid.
It's more than rarely, he has poked his head inside the trashcan and emptied every ounce of fluid and food into it.
Which Ibuki had picked up after a while and started making sure Louis wasn't buying the strongest you could get at the bar.
Since the lion wasn't here with them, he couldn't keep an eye at Louis and make sure the deer wasn't doing anything reckless. Which Louis now must pay the consequences for.
The deer's spine curled a little while he flinching made a gagging sound.
Louis hitted the hand at his mouth as he thought that would keep him away from threw up whatever content his sensitive stomach contains right now. When he thinks about it. What has he eaten today?

Pina sighs loudly and let's the foot back down.
"LOOOUUU-... Didn't you said you would heeeeelp meee?" He whines selfishly and pouts as a the bratty toddler Louis implied he was earlier.

      Weird forces from Louis's lower spine pushed forward and made him flinch with retching noises.
It feels as someone had tied a rope around his waist and pulled hardly. And at the same time it felt as someone inside his stomach was punching his gut.
"I-..." he frown and jolts upright with pale look on the face.
"...Can't... he added while rushing to the restroom. Which he wouldn't call a place to rest, at least not right now.
Legoshi gasps and starts moving against the direction there Louis headed.
Pina grabbed his sleeve quickly and tugged.
"And where are you going?" He whimpers sadly of seeing his boyfriend was about to left him.
Legoshi's face moves back and forth from Pina to the direction there he could hear Louis.
"I-... Ehm... Louis needs me" Legoshi answers while he heard 'blaargh' from the restroom. A few seconds later he could smell the awful odor. The trans-sheep wrinkles his nose. Times like these, he wished he wasn't born with one of the best nose you could have and pick up the smallest scent and notices every single detail from it.

Pina starts trembling with tears in the eyes while inhaling sniffling.
"D-don't you L-love M-mee?" The dall sheep mumbles stuttering.
Legoshi stares with big eyes at him.
"I DO!" He shouts swiftly and gulps while he is eyeing the sheep whose pants are pulled down to the ankles.
Pina gives him a small and hesitantly smile.
"Then-..." he wipes his eyes with the side of his hand.
"Help me with my shooooeees..." he adds.
Legoshi tilts his head and clears his throat.
"Eh?...Okay... Here... Hold the water for me..." he says and hands the bottle over to Pina.
Pina lits up when he notices the desired bottle he had asked after a while ago.
"Oh right! I wanted water..." he snickers and starts pulling the cap of the water by twisting it upward.
While Legoshi was kneeling down to take Pina's shoes off, Pina gasped shocked of getting soaked of a sudden wave of sparkle water spurting up at his face.
Legoshi inhales sharply and jerked his face upward while drops of water splashed at his face too.
The trans-sheep narrowed his eyes terrified from the mistake he caused Pina from shaking the bottle.
"I'm...S-so-..." Legoshi apologies and stands up to wipe Pina's face with the sleeve of his hoodie.
Before Legoshi managed to completely apologies, Pina bursts out into laughter with the hand in front the mouth.
"Eh?" Legoshi blinks very confused of the situation.
He thought he would get scolded of Pina. Hasn't his boyfriend been acting weirdly since he came back to the room with the water?
What happened while he was gone?
The trans-sheep starts sniffing with the nose near Pina's body.
His nose picks up a familiar scent. Alcohol?
Pina wraps his arms around Legoshi's head and makes the trans-sheep to flinch surprised.
"You are beeest~" the dall sheep says and gives Legoshi's head a soft kiss between the ears.
Legoshi gasps while his tail starts wagging happily.
Pina snuggles closer with his head at Legoshi's.
Despite Pina was kind of wet couldn't Legoshi care the slightest bit of that small detail. The canine side of him loved the affection Pina is giving him.
Legoshi exhales smiling and rubs his face at the chest of the animal he loves.
But the lovely moment between them reached an abrupt end the second Pina accidently flipped the opened bottle down. The remaining water came inside of Legoshi's hoodie and ran along his spine. Making the poor animal to jerk inhaling with widened eyes.
"Ops-..." Pina chuckles and let's go of Legoshi to turn the bottle upward again.
"My mistakeeee~" he grins and peeks inside the bottle with one eye closed and the other squinted.
"Awww-...." Pina exhales disappointed while Legoshi pulled the hoodie and the t-shirt off.
"I've almost got any water..." he adds sighing and swallowed the last water from the bottle.
Legoshi starts shaking his fur to shake the water of him.
Pina shrugs and threw the bottle nonchalantly over the shoulder before he sat down at the floor there he takes the shoes and pants off.
"Lucky me-... I took something to drink with me" he smiles.

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