ch 8; Shishigumi

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Ibuki is the one to approach them the second they've arrived.
"Good to have you back, boss" the lion smiles and glances curiously at Pina.
"I assume you are the friend Louis has been talking about? I'm Ibuki" he greets and extends a hand against Pina.
"Pina-..." the sheep says monotonous and grabbed the hand gently to give him a handshake.
Then he forces himself to smile.
"And hopefully you have only heard good things..." he adds with an attempt to joke despite his voice sounds very raspy and unsure.
Ibuki smiles widely and clears his throat.
"Of course-... I wish you a good stay here" he says and let's go of Pina's hand after given him a firm squeeze.

"Wow-... Louis's friend looks great..." one of the other lions comments. Peeking out from one of the doors in the hallway. Standing crowded with a few others who also are very curious about their new guest.
"Do you think we are allowed to touch his wool?" Another lion asks with low voice.
"Oh! I would love touching his wool..."

Louis rolls his eyes from hearing those comments despite they tried talking in low voices.
The deer clears his throat.
"I only want to announce that... If any of you lay ONE finger on my friend here, I promise you... I will be very upset..." he tells them in louder voice and made everyone to jolt, including Pina who looks asking at him.
"Sorry, boss..." the lions apologize while Ibuki sighs and adjusted the eyeglasses.
"I deeply apologize for the others..." Ibuki clears the throat.
"About-..." Pina starts asking with tilted head when Louis suddenly grabbed his hand and starts pulling him with him.
"Come Pina... Let's talk in privacy" the deer scoffs.
"Huh...Oh-kay?!" Pina responses and stumbles after him.
Then they are passing the other lions, is Pina looking curiously at them. And them back at him. Smirking. Few of them lit a cigarette while ogling Pina up and down.

Louis walks into a bedroom there he closes the door after them.
Pina let's go of his hand and hums thoughtfully while pacing a little.
"I have a question..." Pina turns around and looks asking at Louis.
"You may speak up-..." Louis says while taking the coat off.
Pina furrows his eyebrows while pressing the lips together.
Then he inhales deeply and smacks the lips.
"Do they want to eat me... As eat eat me? Or do they want me as dessert on the bed there they are devouring me in a sexual way?" Pina asks which makes Louis to choke and coughs.
"WHAT?!" The deer exhales blushing.
Pina smiles.
"I mean...They were totally eyeing me from bottom to the top... So, either they want to fuck me or eat me?... Or maybe both... I'm pretty new with being with carnivores...So, I don't know how they completely works" he shrugs.
Louis wides his eyes and stares at him in shock.
"Eh... They... ehm..." the deer starts fidgeting nervously.
Then he exhales sighing.
"Yes, you have right-... They would love sharing bed with you"
Pina grins.
"I knew it!" He says excited and lits up a little.
But then he gets gloomy out of nowhere and shrinks together a slightly.
Louis hums asking.
Pina sighs.
"Not like that would matter right now... I-..." the sheep says and tilts the face down while his eyes start tearing up again. His chest starts aching of pain and sorrow. He really miss Legoshi. Are they really on a break? A permanent break?!
      Pina's breathing had only started increasing in speed when Louis wraps  his arms around him to comfort him.
"I know... Don't worry about it-... You don't need being with someone else until you feel ready... Until then you can grief and talk about it with me" Louis says softly.
Pina nods.
Louis's words are soothing him and reduce his breathing.

They are sharing the futon together there Louis smiling is stroking the hand on the side of Pina's head down to his neck.
The sheep is gazing deeply into Louis's eyes. Shivering from the gentle touch.
"Louis?" Pina whispers.
Pina swallows hardly.
"I'm not used with friends... I honestly never had friends in my life..."
"That sounds depressing..." Louis chimes in.
Pina scoffed chuckling.
"Shut up!" He giggles squirming on the futon.
Louis smiles at him and places the hand on Pina's shoulder.
"Pardon me if that came out rude-... I only tried telling you; I were in the same situation as you... I never had a friend during my childhood... The one who kind of adopted me; never gave me the chance to get any friends... Instead I were busy with piles of books with knowledge who gave me headache... Even now I really don't have any friends-... Except you and Le-..." Louis starts saying when he swallowed on the last word. Perhaps he shouldn't mention Legoshi in front Pina... At least not the next coming days.
Louis clears his throat and gets bad conscience when he notices the pain striking Pina's eyes.
"Sorry..." the deer apologies.
"And sorry to interrupt you... You were about to say?" He adds and slides the hand down from Pina to the futon.
Pina inhales sharply.
"I-... I was about to say... I don't know how friends behave around each others... So, I don't know if you are behaving as friends usually do... Or... You want something else than friends want..." the dall sheep blushes fidgeting.
Louis gasps.
"I-..." he stutters before he exhales softly with a smile.
" You have right... I actually want something else... But since you were together with someone before... I couldn't play on my feelings... But you don't have to-..." Louis explains when Pina suddenly shut him down by placing his lips on Louis's.
The deer stares with widened eyes at Pina while his lips sting from the on going kiss. It feels as they are tingling. But it's a good feeling.
Louis smiles during the kiss and shift on the futon there he crawls over Pina and presses his body at his while pinning him down onto his back.
The young male above Pina slides his hands upward along Pina's arms and grabs his hands there they intertwine their fingers.
Louis parts his lips while lidding his eyes. Then he sticks his tongue slowly out and slides it into Pina's mouth.
Touching Pina's tongue with his, makes the tingling feeling to expand by tickling inside the mouth.
During the make out session, Louis's member starts growing from all excitement.
While their tongues are stroking against each others there their lips smack loudly, Louis starts rubbing his crotch at Pina's.
" ...Louis..." Pina pants.
"Hm?" Louis moans and keeps kissing Pina on the mouth. There many smooches touched the corner of Pina's lips.
Pina turns the face away from him and clears the throat while breathing swiftly.
"Stop..." he begs.
Louis froze.
"I beg you pardon... Have I misread anything? Don't you-..." Louis starts asking while bending his back and lifting his chest upward to get some space from Pina.
Pina chuckles while shaking his head on the futon. The long strands of wool are spreading at the pillow. Making Louis to stare lustfully at him.
"Yes, I will... But-... I only want to say..." Pina furrows his eyebrows and looks away with the gaze. Getting a slightly bad conscience.
Louis let's go of Pina's hands and nods disappointed.
"You don't need saying anything... I understand-... It's too early... I understand..." Louis says and forces a smile on his lips.
Pina snorts and looks deeply into Louis's eyes.
"Maybe-... But I don't care..." the sheep says and makes Louis to raise an eyebrow.
"I only want to warn you... If Legoshi want to get me back... I will throw myself into his arms... Just so you know..." Pina shrugs. And gives no shit if that sounds pathetic and desperate. Who cares about pride?! Especially when it comes to love.
Louis let's out a short laugh.
"Don't worry... You and I can be-... Friends with benefits... And would you and Legoshi ever be together again... I promise you; I won't let him know what have happened between you and me" he smiles.
The corners of Pina's lips curls upward.
"Thanks... Aaaand now~" Pina purrs and tries shifting on the futon.
"Lay down and enjoy the ride~"
Louis blinks confused.
"Enjoy?... But wait... I want to top you-... Not the other way around" Louis whines and sits up while straddling Pina over his crotch.
Pina grins.
"And who decided that?" He hums teasingly and leans on the forearms.
Louis tilts the head.
"Eh... Me?"
"Oh?" Pina exhales smugly.
"And who do you think you are?" He smirks cocky.

Louis gasps jolting after a few seconds since he started picking up what Pina is hinting about.
The deer clears the throat and glares down at Pina with a slightly stiff and nervous grin.
"I as the boss of Shishigumi say that... And you better follow my orders otherwise my gang of lions will make sure you are doing as said" Louis says with pretty stable voice who only trembled a little here and there.
Pina stares arousal up at him.
"Oh? Then I should do as told and let you do whatever you want with me..."

A while later they are spooning each other without any clothes on their bodies.
Pina lays with the back against Louis while he strokes the fingers on Louis's arm.
Despite he's sure he will enjoy with staying by Louis's side, he can't get the awful feeling this isn't his true place. These aren't the arms who should hold him during the night. And he knows why.
The problem with these arms is; they don't belong to Legoshi!
Pina sighs.
Maybe something happened with Legoshi? And that's why he behaved so weirdly?
Perhaps they can talk and solve their problems?!
Pina lids the eyes and starts falling asleep with a smile. Believing he will be able to talk with Legoshi any day soon.
But what he doesn't know; today was the last day he would see Legoshi for years. And he would henceforth spend the holidays with Louis at Shishigumi as part of their family...

Hi, I will do a time-skip in the next chapter :) Hopefully you will enjoy it~

And yes... Since the book is about Legoshi and Pina, I will probably not make a lot about Pina and Louis (sorry if you wanted reading smut about them x'D)
But! I do have another book there you will be able to read about LouisxPina/ LouisxLegoshi...So, read that book if you want ;)

Thanks for the reads and support through adding the book in your reading lists and/or voting ^_^

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