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Opal waved goodbye to drista and her mother watching the two females leave her apartment. Sighing opal closed her door immediately feeling the loneliness of the empty apartment taking over. She was getting tired of it. Being alone constantly wasn't fun her only friends living far away or being a teenage girl.

Huffing opal sat on her bed hearing her phone ring, grabbing it a smile at who was calling. "Quackity." she said, answering the phone hearing the boy laugh. "Opal." he said the same tone she did, making the girl laugh with him.

"To what do I owe the honors?" opal asked, messing with her hands hearing her phone make a noise the boy changing the call to facetime. Rolling her eyes, Opal accepted it smiling when quackitys face appeared on her screen, his hair covered with a blanket.

The boy smiled back at the girl. "I was thinking, I want to meet you in person. But I'm not coming to Florida soo." the boy said, making opals eyes go wide. She wasn't close to the boy at all by any means. She was closer to george and sapnap so hearing that the hispanic boy wanted her to fly out to him was weird.

"Why." was all the girl could ask confused with his words. "Well, it would be great content us meeting and all, plus you seem chill and it'd give us time to get to know each other more." he said, never losing his smile.

Opal sighed, grabbing at her hair as a coping mechanism. " It's okay if you say no I'd understand it." quackity said quickly, noticing her distress. "You know what Alex quackity. You're in. I'll fly to California to meet you on one condition." she said, shocking the boy.

It's almost as if he expected her to say no and that he was crazy. "Okay what is it?" he asked, making opal smirk. "You're paying for my flight there and home deal?" she said watching quackity laughed his hair showing after he moved making the girls eyes go wide.

"Deal. Why do you look so scared, oh my hair." quackity said laughing harder at the embarrassed girl. "You can't just do that to a girl! I feel like I need to bleach my eyes!" opal screeched laughing along with the boy. "Okay okay sorry princess sheesh." quackity said covering his hair making opal roll her eyes.

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If opal had known letting the boy pay for her flight meant she was going to california in two days after the call she would have just bought it herself. But the boy kept reassuring her it was the best time for him and the best price.

The brunette spent the next two days packing and telling drista as soon as she was back which the girl had no clue when that'd be they could have a girls day, making the teen excited for opals return even though she hadnt even left yet.

News spread quickly to the other boys making them all upset she was meeting quackity out of the four boys. "I promise I had no clue it was happening till he called, I'll visit you next!" opal said to each one making them all huff and agree. George being the most upset.

"But you said I'd be the one you met after clay and nick." George said puting at the girl. Opal groaned, throwing her head back against her pillow. "George I promise on everything I own I will see you next. Not Karl or even Nick whom I haven't even met in person."

That answer seemed to cheer George up, making him crack his normal jokes making the girl laugh with him. Opal would have met sapnap but since he moved in with dream she never got around to it and now she promised George she wouldn't meet sapnap before the british man.

Two days went by quicker than the girl expected, hurrying to catch her flight to california. Huffing she sat in her seat noticing it was first class making the girl giggle. She definitely didn't expect it to be first class but she couldn't complain. Pulling out her book opal read the whole plane ride which wasn't too long.

Leaving the plane is what scared opal. She gripped her suitcase like her life depended on it, a mask covering half of her face like everyone else. She looked around for quackity spotting him by the exit. Quickly she walked over to him releasing a shaky breath when she was in front of him.

"Hi." she said making quckity look up at his brown eyes filled with excitement. "Hi." he responded, pulling the girl into a hug, both of them giggling. "Let's go get some food yeah?" he asked, making the girl nod following him to his car a smile never leaving her face. 

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