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Opal woke up arms draped across her waist

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Opal woke up arms draped across her waist. A smile instantly on her face. The girl turned over seeing dream still fast asleep. His blonde hair falling in his face. His eyes closed, his mouth open little breath coming out. Opal admired him, his freckles up close where her favorite thing.

Dreams eyes fluttered open a smile forming on his face when he saw opal staring at him. "Morning" he mumbled leaning in to kiss her. Opal turned her head making the boy kiss her cheek. Dream furrowed his brows while opal giggled. "Morning breath babe." She said making dream roll his yes and pull the girl closer to him.

Opal snuggled her head into dreams neck taking in the boys smell. He smelt like honey. "I've missed this." Dream mumbled rubbing the girls back. "Me too." She replied almost regretting not letting him kiss her.

"Morning love birds." Sapnap said walking into the room making dream groan and throw a pillow at his roommate and friend. Sapnap laughed dodging it. "Wow okay rude, I was coming to tell you breakfast is here." Sapnap said leaving the room. Opal peaked her head out smiling at dream who smiled back kissing her forehead.

The two walked downstairs seeing Sapnap sat at the table eating the pancakes and bacon dreams mom dropped off. "So are you two officially dating again or?" Sapnap asked making opal look at dream. "Um no? I don't think so. Are we?" He asked opal who shrugged.

"It'd be nice to be asked out again since you did hurt me." Opal said making dream sigh and nod. "Alright." He said sitting down and eating his food. Sapnap rolled his eyes standing up to get seconds. "If you asked me id say do something romantic dream or she'll say no." Sapnap said making opal agree with the boy.

Dream sat at his desk coding Minecraft for George's video opal sitting on his bed watching him. "I should go home." Opal said standing up making dream frown. "Right. Um opal will you go on a date with me? Tomorrow night." Dream asked making opal smile pecking his lips. "Pick me up at 7?" She asked making dream nod watching her walk away.

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Opal smiled at the text dream had sent her 'dress fancy X' looking up in the mirror opal approved of her outfit. It was a black skinny strap skin tight velvet dress that had a slip going from mid thigh.

A knock at the girls door caught her attention. "One sec!" She yelled finishing putting her earrings in and grabbing her purse rushing to the door. She opened it seeing dream in a white button up and dress pants with dress shoes. The blonde was holding a bouquet of pink roses for the girl.

Opal gasped smiling at the boy. "Awe you didn't have to." She said making dream chuckle kissing the girls cheek. "I did." He replied watching the girl put the roses in a vase before leaving the apartment locking the door behind her.

The pair arrived at their designation. It was an art gallery that had just opened up. Opal gasped feeling excited. "I saw that they had new art so I'd thought you'd like to go." Dream said making opal smile kissing the boy. Dream pulled away interlacing the two hands together and walking into the art gallery.

Opal dragged the two around look at the paintings and sculptures giggle when dream took pictures of her and when they took some together. Overall it was a nice time but the date didn't stop there. Dream drove the two to the park they went to when George interrupted them.

"Is your phone on do not disturb?" Dream asked making opal laugh sitting down. "Yes." She replied making dream smile. The two look at the sunset. It was almost dark out but they felt safe and content. Dream pulling the girl in between his legs resting his head on top of hers while opal rested hers against his chest.

Dream hummed making opal look up at him a smile on her face. "What?" She asked making dream looked down at her a smile on his face. "Nothing you just look so beautiful." He said making opal blush. The girl leaned up pressing her lips against dreams. It was a soft kiss full of love and admiration.

Opal pulled away still staring into dreams green eyes that looked darker than normal because of the lightening. "Opal." Dream said making the girl hum back in response. "Will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend for the second time. I promise I'll make it worth it." Dream said making opal smile kissing him again. "Of course."


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