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opalminore: the duck is good at photos surprisingly <3

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opalminore: the duck is good at photos surprisingly <3

Tagged: @/quackity



User: she remembered her pw!!
opalminore: who cheered ??

Quackity: I hate the nickname.
opalminore: you love it and you know it.

User: I miss her and dream :(

User: she's ugly?

User: what happened with you and dream?

User: is dream dating someone else?

KarlJacobs: YOO WHOSE SHE??
opalminore: your worst nightmare.
emmalangevinxo: oh my god you're so hot marry me.

User: Emma x opal??👀

ً ♡

Opal put her phone down smiling at Quackity who was sat on his couch his phone in his hand. "Why do you call me duck?" The boy asked making opal laugh. "I give everyone nicknames ?? Yours just happens to be duck." Opal replied turing the tv on.

Quackity groaned standing up grabbing his keys. "I'm going to go grab dinner wanna come with?" He asked making opal hum. "No thanks. Text me what you get!" She said making Quackity nod leaving the apartment.

Opal sighed turning on Netflix to watch a random movie. If she was being honest she missed her house and Drista. But she also loved being away and with someone new. Everything was exciting and different.

She didn't have to worry about posting something with quackity in it like she did with dream. Granted most fans weren't happy she was with quackity assuming she was homie hopping.

Her phone going off pulled the girl out of her thoughts. Looking down George was FaceTiming her making the girl smile answering it right away.

"What are you doing." George asked staring at the girl making opal laugh. "Hello George I'm good thank you. I'm watching a movie why what's up?" She asked making George roll his eyes at her joke.

He smiled shortly after looking up at something but back down at the girl. "Do you have a thing with quackity? Like do you like him." George asked making opal scoff.

She had a feeling someone put him up to this. Seeing as though the British man could care less about the girls relationship status. "Nope. Just friends though he is attractive." Opal said making George cough.

"Right well don't you think it's too soon to move on from dream?" George said pursing his lips making opal laugh. "So he set you up to this? Let me guess he can hear me."

George didn't answer the girl giving the answer. "Listen clay, if you have a problem with me dating someone or your friends man up and say so yourself. Or maybe realize you dumped me for someone else." Opal said holding back the swear words she wanted to add.

"Oh and George i love you but don't get in the middle of this. Bye." Opal said hanging up the phone and screaming out of anger. "Fucking-" a ding interrupted the girls rant.

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Clay:I'm sorry

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I'm sorry.

For what. Being an ass?

Yes, I should have called you
Not make George do it.


I want to be friends with you.
Please opal.
No more fighting.

Fuck you

You're being childish.

I don't want to be friends with you clay.


Because I love you and have for years. And one day you decided I wasn't doing it for you but someone else was so you left me. You wouldn't let me or my mom get my stuff from your place and now you're begging to be my friend.
Fuck that clay. I need time to heal to move on from you.

What if I don't want you to move on or heal?
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I'm sorry.
I understand

Maybe one day we can be friends
But right now I can't think of you without hurting.

I never wanted this opal.

I'm pretty sure I still love you.
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I'm keeping hope we can be friends one day.
Read at 6:30

Read at 6:30

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