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Leaving Milia wasn't easy for opal actually it was harder than the last time she visited

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Leaving Milia wasn't easy for opal actually it was harder than the last time she visited. This time she was going home to an empty apartment, and a very stressed out mind.

The words Milia told her only three days again replaying in the girls head over and over again as if it was a song she had stuck in their that she just couldn't seem to get rid of.

Opal walked into her apartment looking around at the dark rooms. Sighing she walked to her bedroom laying on her bed feeling tired of everything including her mind.

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Amy | user: EVEYTIME

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Amy | user: EVEYTIME

Nellie | user: yes :(

Dream | dreamwastaken: most of the time

Karl:) | KarlJacobs: nope ! You okay?

Quackity | Quackity: not me you feel safe though

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Opal opened her eyes looking around her room seeing her blinds open confusing the girl since last night they were closed. Sitting up the girl left her room seeing drista and clay sat on her couch watching some sort of show.

"Um hello?" Opal asked rubbing her eyes catching the siblings attention. "Morning sunshine." Drista said running to hug the girl making opal groan hugging her back. "I'm still confused on what you two are doing here?"

Dream smiled slightly and pointed to the kitchen. Opal looked over at it noticing breakfast was made. It was pancakes and some fruit with it. "Doesn't help." She mumbled walking to grab herself a plate of the food instantly knowing the twos mom made it.

"Well clay sent me a screenshot of your depressing tweet and I thought we'd come surprise you with breakfast and a movie day! He also told me you two are on good terms so that's why he came plus I needed a ride." Drista said pushing play on the movie making opal roll her eyes.

Dream shrugged standing up to go towards the girl. With Milias words replying in her head opal put her plate down and rushed to the bathroom locking the door behind her.

"Jeez what's her problem, thought you said you guys were in good terms. Did you lie to me?" Drista asked dream watching his face for a reaction all the younger girl could see was confusion in the boys eyes. "I thought we were." He mumbled walking to the bathroom knocking on the door.

Opal closed her eyes holding back a loud groan. She should've known he'd come to check on her. "Yes?" She asked almost laughing at how pathetic she sounded. "Are you okay? Or are we okay? Do I need to leave I can go home if you want." Dream said rambling on about how if she wasn't comfortable because of him he'd go instantly.

Sighing opal opened the door smiling at dream who slightly smiled back. "Trust me it's not you. Just some things Milia said, she says hi and that your lucky she wasn't here when you dumped me though!" Opal said making dream laugh.

"Can we talk?" Dream asked nodding his head towards the girls room making her nod. The two walked to her room dream shutting the door behind him. "So me and Camilla broke up, turns out she was cheating on me." Dream said making opal gasp.

Dream raised a brow making the girls eyes widen. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I gasped. And for Camilla that sucks." Opal quickly rushed out making dream laugh at her. "Opal calm down, it was funny and hey the Camilla thing was karma." He said making the girl shrug.

"Look I just wanted to say I sincerely apologize for everything I did to us and to you, I probably made things really hard on you no scratch that I made things hard on you and that was fucked up. I now know how you felt well not really cause I didn't love Camilla okay I'm shutting up now."

Opal laughed at dream making the boys cheeks flush from embarrassment. "It's okay, no more apologies. Let's just move forward from this. As friends." Opal said watching dream flinch with the word friends.

If she was honest opal almost flinched as well when the words left her mouth. She still loved him deeply which made her hate him for a while but he can't hide the fact she's in love with him. So being friends would be hard.

"Yeah friends. That sounds good-" "- I swear to everything I love if you two are making out I'm jumping out this window." Drista yelled making opal groan leaving the room quickly. "Actually we were becoming friend idiot. Now put on 10 things I hate about you." "No not that movie again." "SHUT UP DREAM" "SHUT UP BRO"


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