Bonus chapter

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Opal was lying when she told dream she could make an amazing fun fete cake for mother dream. Sure she could cook sometimes but bake was a whole different story.

The girl laid down on the couch reading the recipe she found online. She wanted a whole homemade cake for her second mother. She treated her like her own daughter and so well. She deserved only the best.

"How's the cake making going?" George asked sitting down next to the girl. Opal huffed pinching him arm. The boy had recently moved to Florida into the new dream team house. Not only did he move in but so did opal making it a full house.

George laughed leaning over the girl's shoulder seeing the recipe on her laptop. "You should ask dream for help cause at this rate you'll never get it done." George said making opal huff standing up and taking her laptop with her.

"Maybe I will. Asshat been here one week and already being a nuisance." She mumbled the last part walking away, setting her laptop in the kitchen and walking to her and her boyfriend's shared room. "Clay question." She said sitting on the edge of the bed watching him look up from his phone.

Dream smiled at his girlfriend who was pouting like a puppy. "Opal, I have answers." he said, making the girl roll her eyes. "Help me make this cake. I'm confused and your mom is going to be here in two hours. And i don't think i can do-" opal was interrupted mid sentence by her boyfriend's lips on hers.

Slowly dream pulled away resting his forehead on hers. "Couldn't help myself you're cute when rambling.." dream whispered pecking her lips again making opal smile ruffling his dark blonde hair. "Help me?" she whispered, making dream nod enthusiastically. "Always."

Dream stared at the directions, a confused look on his face. The same one opal had mere minutes ago. "What the hell?" he mumbled talking to himself. "I know, i think i can start on the dry stuff if you do the liquids, the frosting will be the easiest part." opal said rushing around the kitchen looking for the ingredients she bought the other day.

"Yeah okay, um why are there so many liquids?" dream asked, tilting his head making opal smile enduringly. "No clue babe, but get started we've got work to do." she said, handing him a bowel and a mixer starting to add her own ingredients to a bowel to mix.

Opal and dream spent the next twenty minutes working on their own bowels till mixing together. However as they finished dream saw the leftover flour and had a devious idea. "Hey hun." dream said making opal turn around after putting the cake in the oven. "Hm?" she hummed not being able to say anything else before flour was thrown at her face.

The girl closed her eyes immediately wanting to slap her boyfriend for his childish antics. "What the actual fuck clay." she said wiping it away to see her boyfriend smirking at her flour all over his hands and feet. "Couldn't help myself." he said shrugging as if she wasn't covered head to toe in flour now.

"Oh you actual ass!" she yelled grabbing the flour from him throwing some st him cause the taller man to laugh grabbing anything around him to throw at her. The two laughed, throwing eggs and flour at each other till they were both covered completely and the floor looked like they had made the cake on it.

Dreams laugh quieted down his breathing going fast a smile not leaving his face. "I'm sorry." he said holding his arms out for the girl. "Truce?" he asked, making opal nod sighing walking up to him and wrapping her arms around his torso taking in his scent. He smelt of mint, flour and eggs no thanks to her.

However opal wasn't done. She carefully grabbed the last egg that was behind dream and stood on her tippy toes as if she was going to give the boy a kiss causing him to lean down to finish closing the space. Quickly opal smashed it on his head pulling away watching it drip down his face laughter echoing in the kitchen.

"Im- i- wow who taught you to be so devilish?" he asked whipping the egg away from his face a smile plastered on his lips. Opal had a hand covering his lips still laughing while the other was holding the empty egg shell. "You dork." she said, leaning up and pecking his cheek.

The boy smiled, catching her lips in a sweet kiss that he deepened very quickly. "Oh! Am I too early?" dreams mom asked walking into the kitchen eyes wide. The lady was holding bags full of food she had prepaid at home for the family dinner they were having tonight. Opal pulled away smiling. "No! Of course not, we just aren't ready. Happy birthday!" opal said, holding herself back from hugging the lady seeing as though she had eggs and flour on her.

"Happy birthday mom!" dream said, but unlike opal the boy didn't think about his clothes and rushed to hug his mom making the older lady groan at the feeling of eggs and flour hitting her clothes. "Clay!" opal yelled eyes wide. Dream pulled away from his mom a sheepish smile on his face. "Whoops, sorry mom." dreams mom sighed smiling and shaking her head. "It's fine, thank you two."

authors note:

i missed dream and opal so i wrote an extra chapter for you lovelys <3

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