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Following the attack by Diana and Spring Enyo had addressed her forces, telling them that there was no cause for panic. If Diana had the capability to make a potentially decisive strike on them, she'd have done so, she assured them. This minor assault had been intended to unnerve them, nothing more. Telling them she was going to Olympus to get some information that would help them Enyo, after leaving Daisy in charge, departed.

A little later, having arrived at Olympus, she entered the abode of Hecate, a stone structure of an eccentric shape, with faces of demons and spirits carved in its walls. The interior had no windows, the only light being from a number of candles scattered around the premises.

"Greetings Enyo." Hecate spoke with a smile. She was attired in a dress made of layers of satin that covered her from her neck to her ankles, and her hair was long, dyed in different colours. "Were you just passing and decided to call on your old friend?"

"To collect a debt. You'll recall, and even if you don't I do, that your witchery once so annoyed Zeus that he was about to strangle you. My pleading for you saved your life."

"Though it be long ago I will never forget how your intervention saved me from death. How do you wish me to repay you?"

The tone of Hecate's voice was, Enyo felt, calculated sycophancy rather than gratitude, but it was of no consequence. "Look into your crystal ball or whatever it is you use and tell me of the plans of Diana."

"Ah yes, I hear of your conflict with her. Now Diana is very strong, and if my actions were to offend her, well, my continued good health might be in some doubt."

"Your continued good health is becoming more doubtful by the second! Now get with it."

"But of course." Hecate smiled slyly then, after placing her hands on a stone statuette of indeterminate nature began to sway gently, her eyes closed, and she moaned softly, while the candles flared into flames that almost reached the ceiling, shadows dancing round the room. Enyo waited impatiently till Hecate cried out then held her head in her hands for a moment, while the candle flames subsided. "Witchcraft isn't easy, but I was able to get something for you. Diana is taking the Amazons to a place in the desert, I think to meet someone named Bill."

"Bill?" Enyo looked puzzled. "Ah I know," she continued as she realised the meaning, "the Buffalo Bill Ranch. Your debt is paid."

"May good fortune be with you Enyo."

The following day Diana returned to Themsycria and spoke to Hippolyta. After being assured by her mother that the Amazon's were ready to leave, she told her of a dream she'd had the previous night. "I saw a woman, in a shroud of mist so I couldn't see her face. But she told me a riddle. Your enemy knows your path so remember that the lightning ceases when the storm has passed. I feel it means something."

"Well," Hippolyta mused, "your enemy is Enyo. Could she know your path, that you are here?"

"I don't see how as our communication was face to face, unless there's a spy in our midst. And what about the bit about lightning and storms?"

"Perhaps it was just a dream."

"No. It means something."

Hippolyta was about to say that they must begin the transporting of Amazons to America when the sound of trumpets interrupted the conversation. "The alarm!" Hippolyta cried. "We're under attack!"

Both of them rushed to the source of the alarm, the island's main beach, where, from the cliffs above a hundred Amazon archers had assembled, arrows in their bows, primed to fire, awaiting the command from Hippolyta.

Wonder Woman. Enyo's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now