Diana faces the Truth

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"Daisy, you're a genius!" Enyo's face glowed with delight as she addressed the young woman. "How did you think of this?"

"It was easy." Daisy was enjoying her moment of triumph, as she, Enyo, and Irena relaxed on the veranda, on the island the goddess had acquired. "Every country has relics of the wars its fought in, so I looked on the internet at museums in Germany, and found the document you have a copy of in your hand. The museum sent it to me for just a small fee."

Enyo glanced at the document. "Irena, you made a good find in Daisy, even I could never have thought of something as devious as this! Go now Daisy, take this piece of paper with you, and prepare for travel, as you're going to meet Diana."

Once Daisy had left them, Irena commented that she'd found a way to ingratiate herself with Enyo. "Do I detect a note of jealousy?" The goddess inquired. Irena made no reply.

A day later Diana and Trevor were both seated by the pool at the formers home, taking a moment to relax, talk and enjoy each other's company, till the sound of footsteps approaching, from the side of the house, interrupted their conversation. Trevor rose, and when the visitor came into sight, for a second he was to surprised to speak, for it was Daisy who now stood before him. Forgetting how Diana had warned him about how dangerous this woman is, he erupted with rage. "How dare you come here, you murderous monster! I've never hit a woman before, but there's a first time for everything."

"But it's not this time," replied Daisy, as she casually avoided the punch Trevor aimed at her face. With her training and fighting experience she knew his intention before he'd even swung his fist, by observing his body's movement. As his punch went harmlessly through the air in front of her, Daisy grabbed his wrist with one hand, and with the other his clenched fingers, while Trevor, off balance because of his own momentum, couldn't resist as she forced his hand backwards, against the joint, and twisted his wrist, putting painful pressure on the elbow, which forced him to his knees. "I have instructions not to hurt you, but don't do anything that may compel me to disobey them." She released the hold, and turned to face Diana, who stood just a metre from her. "Diana," Daisy continued, "if you're thinking of doing me some harm, if I don't leave here in three minutes, Enyo will arrange for innocent people to die, and we don't want that. And anyway, I come in peace, well, sort of."

"Then say what you have to say, then go." Diana could not hide the hate she felt for the woman.

"I have a present for you," continued Daisy, as she pulled a piece of paper from her jacket pocket. "I got this from a museum in Berlin, a diary entry from a German woman whose son died in the great war, killed by yourself, I'll read it to you. From the diary of Gretchen Donitz, February the sixth, 1919. Today I watched my son, Jurgen, my only child, die at the age of seventeen. Diana, the one they call Wonder Woman, hurled him against a wall, causing brain injury's so severe that he never regained consciousness. For three months he lay in a hospital bed, while I sat with him for every minute, and prayed for him, but today he died, and I died too. Could not this supposedly wonder woman not have used her powers to confront Ares directly, with no need for all those killings? She killed men who were patriotic soldiers, some, like Jurgen, little more than boys. If she had a heart she'd have come to us, the mothers, to ask if we could forgive, or at least understand, and see if there was any comfort she could give us. But she cares nothing for us, or our sons. I see on the cinema news reels how she's lauded in Britain and America, how crowds cheer her, and how she basks in their adulation. When gods fight, even if they claim to be fighting for peace, any people in their path are swatted aside, as if they are nothing. If there's a hell for gods, may Diana burn for eternity."

Daisy dropped the paper at Diana's feet. "I'll leave you to your thoughts. Oh, and Mr Trevor, when you attempted to inflict harm on my personage, your actions were dictated by fury. If you want to be a good fighter, you must learn to control your emotions. Fight, not with anger, but with purpose." With that, Daisy left.

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