she forgets a date - part two (requested)

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Jihyo didn't get a minute of sleep that night.

The couch is always comfortable when you curl up on it together for movies but to sleep on it all night is uncomfortable.

Not to mention, she felt cold without you there by her side to hold and the guilt she felt was overwhelming her to even lay still for a moment.

She got up as soon as the sun started to rise. She gathered some things from the fridge and the cabinets and then a tray to put all the food that she made special for you onto it, so she could carry it all up the stairs to you.

She was careful with every step she took and to her relief, you left the door unlocked. She put the tray on the floor and then quietly opened the door before she walked inside.

You were still asleep in bed and she found you curled up on her side of it. It warmed her heart.

She wanted to curl up right beside you and hold you tight in her arms.

But she knows how disappointed you are and she knows she has to make it up to you before she can sleep with you in her arms again.

She set the tray down on the nightstand before she took a moment to admire you, wondering how she'd gotten so lucky to have you the entire time.

"Y/N?" She spoke softly as she shook your shoulder. "Baby, please wake up."

You opened your eyes and to her disappointment, you looked tired and you still looked so sad.

"I made you breakfast." She said as she nodded to the tray on the nightstand. "I made all of your favorites. I was going to take you to your favorite spot but I thought you might like this more."

She didn't know how you'd react.

She didn't know if you'd tell her you're not hungry and you'd just roll over and go back to sleep.

She didn't know if you'd thank her and tell her to leave you alone.

There were a few different possibilities running through her mind. She wasn't sure what would happen.

"Thank you." You said with a small smile.

"I want to do this for you more often. I can't remember the last time we just sat down and had breakfast together. We used to do these things together some mornings, remember? We'd eat here in bed and catch up on our favorite shows or we'd just talk about anything and everything together. We'd eat on the front porch and listen to the birds sing. I'd wake you up with breakfast in bed sometimes."

"And you'd always give me my favorite flower when you did so, just because-"

"Just because I love you and you deserve that." She finished for you, both of you sitting in silence after.

"I am sorry. Truly sorry. But I'm going to make it better. I promised you that I would and I meant it."


"No, please, just hear me out." She whispered as she reached for your hand, slowly intertwining your fingers together. "I booked us a hotel room a  few hours away from here."


"We're going on vacation!"

"But, Jihyo, you have things with the girls to do."

"Not for a few days, I don't. I told them I need a little break to focus on my mental health and I'd be back in a week or so. They let me. And it's not a lie, technically. A vacation is what I need, it's what we both need. It's a chance for us to spend some time together and relax. It's a chance for us to just let go and be with each other. No meetings, no practices, no performances. Just us."

You felt like you could cry from the happiness and the love for her that you felt.

"I know I'm busy. I stayed up all night, I couldn't sleep. I just kept thinking about how many things we've missed together. That changes today. I might be busy, but never too busy for you. I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You know that, right?"

"I know." You said as you reached out and caressed her cheek as her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry. I promise, from now on, I'm not forgetting or missing anything. Not ever."

You scooted over to your side of the bed and patted her side, wordlessly telling her to sit down with you.

"I want you to hold me." You said as she sat down right beside you.

"I want to hold you." She smiled and kissed your head. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. Now, let's eat and then pack. We've got a vacation to get to."

You grinned and put your head on her shoulder, happily sharing your food with her as she held onto you, swearing she'd never let you down again.

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