stuck (requested)

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The sound of Jihyo's phone ringing made the girls' heads turn.

Jihyo was currently in the booth in the recording studio to record some of her lines for the new album and her phone was set on Do Not Disturb with you being the only person that could bypass if you called.

But she had told you that she'd be recording so she wouldn't be able to answer and the girls knew that you'd only call if it was an emergency.

"It's Y/N," Mina said before Dahyun opened the door to the booth.

"Y/N's calling you."

Jihyo frowned and put the headphones down before rushing out of the booth and over to Mina, who had her phone ready for Jihyo to grab.

"Is everything alright, Y/N?"


Jihyo's heart dropped with only that one word.

"I got in an accident."

"Oh, my god. Are you hurt?"

"Yeah but not that bad. I think a couple of my ribs broke and I have a couple of cuts but that's not my biggest problem. I can't get out of the car!"

"Okay, baby, hang on just one second."

She lowered her phone and looked at the girls.

"Someone call for help. Y/N was in an accident and she's stuck in her car!"

Nayeon was quick to grab her phone and call for help.

"I'm scared!" You said before you started to cough. "There's smoke, Jihyo. What do I do?"

"Where is she at?" Nayeon asked as she tried to tell the dispatcher where you were located.

"Baby, I need you to tell me where you are. Do you see any street signs or anything familiar around you?"

You looked around and spotted a street sign in the distance before telling Jihyo what it was and she quickly told Nayeon.

"I don't know what to do. I think it might catch fire and I'm stuck! I can't get it open!"

You were panicking and trying to open the door, Jihyo could hear you doing so.

But you were also in a lot of pain from your broken bones and that made it even harder.

"I can't, Jihyo. I can't." You sobbed.

"Hang on just a minute, my love. Help is coming and I am too, okay? I'm leaving right now!"

"Wait, don't go by yourself. You're in no shape to drive right now." Chaeyoung panicked before Jeongyeon grabbed her keys.

"Come on, I'll drive. Better safe than sorry."

They hurried out to the car as you continued to panic.

"Help is coming, my love. It won't be long. Take a breath, it's okay. I'm coming now and help should be there very soon."

Jeongyeon put the street you were on into her maps before she began to drive there and Jihyo saw that it was only a few minutes away.

Thankfully, she heard the sound of sirens in the background before you confirmed what she was thinking.

"I hear a fire truck and an ambulance."

"Good, baby."

She stayed on the phone with you as Jeongyeon drove as quickly yet as safely as possible to where you were.

She heard people talking and trying to get the door open before the car pulled up on the side of the road just a few minutes later.

She threw her seatbelt off of her before getting out of the car before Jeongyeon had the chance to even turn the engine off.

"Lt me through!" She shouted as someone stopped her from getting closer to you. "That's my girlfriend, let me through right now!"

She was let through and ran over to see what was happening.

They were still struggling to get the door off for just a couple of seconds before everyone let out sighs of relief as it finally came off.

"We got it!"

A stretcher was brought over as you were pulled out of the car, coughing from the smoke and groaning from the pain of your injuries.

But thankfully, the car hadn't caught fire like you had thought it would.

"Jihyo!" You called out when you saw her standing nearby.

She ran to you and took your hand into hers.

"Are you okay, baby?" She asked and noticed that you had a little cut on your forehead but she kissed it anyway because she couldn't resist, too overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness that you had made it out safely.

"I think so."

"Jeongyeon, I'll meet you and the girls at the hospital." She called out and watched Jeongyeon nod before getting back in the car to call the girls and let them know what was going on.

"It'll be about ten minutes before we get you to the hospital because it's a little ways from here but you don't seem to have any serious injuries. How's your breathing? Are you in any tremendous pain?" An EMT asked you as they loaded the stretcher in the back of the ambulance.

"I'm coming with her," Jihyo said to another EMT who helped her inside the ambulance before her hand found yours again.

You told the EMT how you were feeling as the doors closed and the ambulance blared their sirens as they began to drive to the hospital.

Thankfully, you weren't injured too badly.

A few broken bones, some cuts, some bruises, and whiplash to your neck seemed to be the worst of it.

The scariest part had been being stuck inside the car and being unable to get out but you were extremely grateful that help was called and you were safe.

It could've been so much worse than it actually was and Jihyo was more relieved than ever, being sure to thank her lucky stars again and again that you would be alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2024 ⏰

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