you're insecure after your friends make fun of you (requested)

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"Are you okay?" Jihyo asked as she put the car into park in the driveway.

Her eyes were intently resting on you as she waited and hoped that you say something to calm her worried brain and broken heart.

You've been quiet the entire ride home from the restaurant you and Jihyo went to tonight to hang out with your friends.

The friends of yours that she hasn't liked from the moment you introduced her to them.

The friends of yours that made some hurtful comments to you tonight, all of them being about your body and the weight gain Jihyo didn't even see.

"You can talk to me about it if you want. You know I'm here to listen. You know I won't judge you."

"I don't want to talk about this." You said before getting out of the car, slamming the door behind you.

Jihyo knew that wasn't the truth.

She knows you too well to not see through your lies or fake smiles and she heard that crack in your voice.

So she followed you inside and up the stairs, where you changed and got into bed, facing away from her.

Jihyo changed into her pajamas before curling up behind you, her arms wrapping around you to hold you tight.

"Jihyo, don't," you spoke quietly.

"What? Why not?"

"Because!" You said as you sat up, looking her in the eyes now, allowing for her to see your tears. "Didn't you hear what my friends said? I've put on weight. I'm fa-"

"Do not say that word." She warned as she sat up, her hand falling onto your thigh. "Because there is nothing wrong with your body or your weight."

Your lower lip trembled.

Their words hurt you so deeply.

"I hate my body. I already struggle with it. When I wear something like a crop top or I eat a little more than usual or I see people looking at me or us when we're out. I get insecure. To hear them, my friends, say I've gained weight and should start working out or else I'll get worse hurt so much."

She blinked to hold back her tears.

Hearing you say those things broke her heart.

"I don't love myself much. I don't like what I see in the mirror. I try to stay healthy but I have my moments and my body isn't perfect. I just hate my body."

"No, baby, please don't hate yourself or your body." She pleaded as she pulled you into her arms. "Y/N, there is nothing wrong with you or your body. People have unrealistic expectations and they're so quick to judge. Trust me, I know what it's like. I know how you feel."

You looked into her sad eyes, allowing her to wipe away your tears as you did so.

"Those people are not your friends. I'm sorry but they're not. When I feel insecure, you and the girls are always there to make me feel better, not worse. Friends don't do that."

"I know." You mumbled sadly.

"And you are beautiful, so beautiful, sweet girl. It doesn't matter how much you weigh. A number on a scale doesn't define you. You're beautiful inside and out. If your body changes, then it changes. As long as you're happy and healthy, it doesn't matter. Just know that you're so beautiful and no matter what happens, I'll love you just the same."

You were almost in tears again over how much her words meant to you and how much better they made you feel.

"You're perfect just the way you are. You always will be. Don't ever forget that."

You hugged her tightly, your arms were thrown around her neck as she rubbed your back.

"I love you so much. Get rid of those toxic friends. You'll find more friends, better friends. You don't deserve to be treated that way. You're too sweet and too beautiful for that."

It wasn't going to be easy but you knew Jihyo was right.

It was time to let go of those so-called friends and make better friends, ones that would want to hang out with you because they like being around you and ones that wouldn't tear you down or point out your insecurities.

They'd come along eventually.

But for now, you've got Jihyo and you've got the girls, so you'll make it through just fine.

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