waking her up for cuddles when you're cold

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You rubbed your arms to try to warm yourself up as a shiver ran down your spine.

Thinking that Jihyo was still near you, you tried to snuggle into her arms, but you only came into contact with the cool sheets below you.

You reluctantly opened your eyes and started to feel around for her on the bed until your hand landed on her shoulder.

You realized what must've happened. Somehow, she had moved across the bed in her sleep. With her arms no longer around you, it all made sense as to why you felt so cold.

You could feel her warm skin against the tips of your fingers and when another rush of cool air rushed over your skin, it only made you crave the warmth of her embrace even more.

As much as you didn't wanna wake her, you knew that the chances of you falling back asleep without her arms around you were unlikely. So you gently brushed your fingers over her skin, moving them along her back and shoulder blades until she stirred.

She slowly opened her eyes, expecting to be greeted with the bright rays of the sun. But instead, the room was pitch black and quiet, telling her that it was still way too early for her to be awake.

"Y/n?" She mumbled sleepily and rubbed her eyes.

"Sorry to wake you."

She shook her head, a yawn suddenly escaping from her lips. "Is everything okay?"

"No. I woke up and you weren't holding me anymore. I got cold and I know I won't be able to fall back asleep if you don't cuddle me."

She just chuckled softly and opened her arms for you. "You're just the cutest, y/n. Waking me up for cuddles. Adorable." She said as she nudged your cheek with the tip of her nose before laying a kiss to your forehead.

You moved your head so you could steal a kiss from her lips. Your heart felt just as warm as the rest of you did when she not only made sure she was holding you close in her embrace, but also when she positioned her blanket over you, too.

"Warm now?" She checked, kissing the crown of your head before allowing herself to lay her head back on the pillow and give into the sleep that was quickly taking over her.

"Very. Thank you, Jihyo. I love you." You closed your eyes and started to drift off to sleep, thinking Jihyo was already out cold, but you knew you were wrong when you heard her say,

"Love you more, y/n. Sweet dreams."

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