Chapter 7

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Wilhelm had woken up first that morning, not really sleeping at all. He got some water for Simon for whenever he woke up and he started to really worry if he would never wake, but he was still breathing. 

Simon finally woke up in a dazed like state, he looked at Wilhelm and it felt like a fever dream. He looked at the sheets on the bed, he was getting hot now from all the layers he had on him, plus the sheets. He started to kick the sheets off of him, his eyes still now closed again. 

"Simon..? Simon are you awake?" Wilhelm asked in a somewhat whisper as he didn't want to startle him up if he wasn't ready to wake up. He also was just happy that he was okay, yet he was anxious. He didn't know what Simon would remember, maybe he would regret calling him. 

Simon let out a groan. Wilhelm moved closer, "Do you want the hoodie off?" He asked as Simon was struggling to get it himself, as he still not fully out of his daze. Simon nodded, and Wilhelm came over, helping him take it off. He then stepped away from the bed though, still not wanting him to be uncomfortable. 

"I uh- I got you some water. It's just by your head." Wilhelm said gesturing like his eyes were open.

Simon fidgeted around for a moment before finding it and drinking a little bit. It took about ten to fifteen minutes of Simon sipping on the water and slowly coming to full consciousness before he finally was able to speak. "What happened last night?" Simon asked. "How did I- How did I get into your bed?"

"Not my bed, it's the other one. I thought you would- Wait.. you don't remember anything?" Wilhelm asked and came closer to Simon, he sounded sad. "How drunk did you get? Did you drink? What do you remember?" Wilhelm tried to stop himself as Simon probably wasn't aware enough to understand everything he was saying, but he couldn't help himself. 

"I uh-" Simon was trying to sit up in bed, but the most he could do was reset the pillow. "I went to a party, there was a guy there, and he mixed me some drinks because I couldn't do anything straight. I didn't have many though, maybe two, maybe three?" Simon said slowly opening his eyes. He was starting to finally realize that he was with Wilhelm and what all that meant. Simon had to of called Wilhelm, or Wilhelm saved him, or something else happened, but he was with Wilhelm. That thought was cozy to him and terrifying at the same time because as he knew in these moments all he wanted was his comfort. It scared him though because this was someone who really hurt him, he still had his guard up from that. 

"Simon I-" Wilhelm could understand what that meant.. he knew in that moment.. whomever that was making him drinks.. drugged him. Who knows what his intention was, but that made Wilhelm angry. The fact that someone did that to Simon. He wanted to punch someone, but he had to hide all of that. He needed to be there for Simon right now. "Do you remember anything after that?" Wilhelm asked. 

"Bits and pieces. It's all really fuzzy, I remember laying on a cold floor, feeling really cold like I was going to freeze to death. I remember-" Simon started to feel pain in his elbow and forearm. He started to feel this pain after remembering dropping it on the floor. He looked at it, it was bruised but nothing bad. "I remember asking you to.." Simon froze at the last memory he had that night. 

"Yes Simon?" Wilhelm was really trying to understand what all he would have to explain to him, what he knew of at least. 

"I remember telling you to keep me awake, while you helped me back to here- I assume." Simon swallowed. "And you.. you started to just started to apologize. Say things simple, random even, I don't remember many, but I remember you saying I have the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen." 

Wilhelm blushed, he was going to leave that bit out of the story, but he was really just talking on the way back to Hillerska. He apologized in every way he could, he said everything he loved about Simon, he talked about his beautiful voice. He spoke about how he loved to hold him, and how his touch made him feel safe. It was just anything that came to mind as he thought Simon wouldn't remember anything and he just wanted to get him somewhere safe. 

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