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Minho took a step back before sliding to the left as his body rolled in sync following the rhythm. Sweat was dripping  from his toned body that made the tshirt he was wearing wet. He panted hard yet followed the next step and swung his right leg and did a slide flip and placed himself at the center as the music stopped. 

He was out of breathe when he fell down on the wooden floor clearing out his lungs. He lied down there for a while before getting up and walking towards the couch to his right side to reach for his thermos gulping a lot of water at a time as his heart race came to a flexible pace. He had been in the dance studio for hours now preparing for the upcoming dance competition. His team members weren't there but he was going solo for a while. He sat down on the couch as he took out his phone from the backpack he was carrying around. There was a text from Hyunjin.

> Sorry hyung! I'm not skipping today I will see you around 8pm.

The elder  rolled his eyes to the text, this was the 3rd time this week that the taller had ditched him off then they had to reschedule for the rehearsal. Minho packed his bag, turned off the lights an got out of the studio, he still had another class at 6pm. He thought about going back to his place until he got a call from Jisung.

Honey  that flashed on the phone screen making the elder smile a little.

"Hey, babe."  

"Hey, hyung. Where are you?"  Jisung's voice sounded hoarse and heavy.

"I was going home. Did you just wake up? Han-ah it's past 1 in the afternoon." Minho checked his wrist watch to be sure.

"I know, I know but I got a  holiday after weeks, Changbin hyung doesn't let me sleep." Jisung almost whined.

"Tell that midget I'm gonna take care of him if he tortures my boyfriend anymore." 

Jisung broke into a laughter from the elder's words. "Don't laugh Han-ah, I'm serious. I barely get to see you these days."

"Yeah, about that do you wanna meet up today?" Jisung suggested.

"I have a class at 6 then dance rehearsal with Hyunjin, I'm all free before that."

"Great, it won't take a long while. I was thinking about paying the graveyard a visit today."

"Is today the day?"

"No, it was 3 months ago. I just never got the time."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes....  for my best friend." Jisung smiled that the elder couldn't see but feel from the other side of the phone.

"Okay I will pick you up from your place in a while."

Minho said before disconnecting the call as he walked towards the entrance of his college where he spotted Seungmin with his headphones on that he got as a present from Jeongin for his 20th birth day. Minho reached the latter with out calling him and placed a hand over his shoulder almost scaring the light brunette. Seungmin turned around finding Minho stand there with a big smug smile on as he sighed in relief.

"You almost scared me man!" Seungmin lightly brushed off Minho's hand as the elder took a seat beside him.

"Studying?" Minho lifted the book that was placed in front of the younger.

"Does it look like other ways?" Seungmin sighed.

"Where's Hyunjin?" Minho looked around thinking he would find the said blonde around Seungmin.

"With Jeongin." Seugnmin replied shortly taking the headphones off.

"I thought he would be with you, he has been ditching me off for a few days now and we are needing to reschedule." Minho shook is head.

"He's showing Jeongin around the place."

"For three days?"

"I don't know the rest." Seungmin came with a short reply again.

"Someone sounds mad." a smirk crept up on Minho's face.

"What?" Seungmin' s eyes shot up. "I'm not mad, I just don't know what they are exactly doing for three days that he can't even see me off."

"Definitely mad." Minho chuckled.

"Whatever I'm not arguing over Jeongin's matter or his matter." Seungmin looked away.

"Chill out little one, he's all yours." 

"You know I'm taller than you." Seungmin chuckled making the elder roll his eyes.

"By the way Jisung and I are paying the graveyard a visit today. Do you wanna perhaps come along?" Minho asked before he stood up.

Seungmin lifted up his phone to check the time. "I have a class in an hour, I don't think I can catch up. Tell Jisung I said 'hi' though." Seungmin waved towards Minho who was walking out.

Somehow the group managed to end up at the same college. Jisung joined Changbin's agency right after graduating high school, now Jeongin was a freshman. Three years had passed, since that day. The day Chan left for Australia and Felix's accident took place.  But that didn't change the pace of life for others, they had to live on. 

Jisung got out of the car pushing the door behind him as he walked next to Minho who had a bouquet in his left hand. Minho smiled taking Jisung's hand and walked inside the graveyard together. They walked past a few rows before they were in front of the one they were supposed to be. They knelt down as the elder placed the bouquet over the platform.

"Thank you." Jisung spelled out with the warmest voice as the elder took a glace at him.

"Thank you for helping us. Miracles barely happen and that day was one of them when you first appeared. I'm sorry we couldn't help you but please know that my gratitude and prayers will always be with you." Jisung's smile saddened. He wiped off a tear. "I wish I would have met you earlier so I could be nice to you for a while at least. But.......... I guess that would leave me attached for real, right?" Minho caressed Jisung's back as he took a hold of the younger.

They finally closed their eyes and prayed for the goners. 

"Jisung?" A familiar voice made the said boy's eyes shot up as he turned back right away.

"Felix?" Jisung whisper shouted. "Changbin hyung?" he gasped seeing the two figures, one had a bouquet.

"What are you doing here?"

First chapter yes~~~~~
Hope I can keep up with regular updates ;-; 

I'd really appreciate some votes  >w<

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