Chapter 14

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Newt's POV

I tried to get work done to push my mind past the agony the upcoming night would bring me. I knew I wouldn't able to sleep. God why did she still have that effect on me.

To cope, I just imagined her alone in her hut, ignoring each other as we had been for a while. I can't believe I let it get this far. We used to be inseparable. Unfortunately, my mind snapped back to the present situation at hand.

I didn't know how much more waiting I could take. I tried to stop caring, but this time I couldn't shake her. And to be honest, I never could. I wanted to let her go after what happened, but I couldn't. Fuck, no matter how many times she hurt me, I'd beg her to hurt me more if it meant spending even just five more minutes with her.

I waited by the doors all night trying to shake my thoughts. She couldn't be gone. Y/N is strong. She can handle herself, I know she can. She's okay. She has to be.

The sun started to rise, which meant the doors were opening soon.

"No matter what, I have to sprint into the maze," I told myself. Shuck the rules. Y/N is the only thing that matters right now.

I paced back and forth rapidly as if it would make the time go faster. But then I heard it. The doors, they're opening. I shut my eyes as tightly as I could and imagined her running through the wide open doors and into my arms.

I opened my eyes. The sun glared in my eyes, and the second it took for my eyes to adjust felt like a year.

When my eyesight was clear, I saw her. She was draped over the Greenie. She was drenched in blood, but she was there. Holy shit. She survived.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by her voice.

"Newt," she called out with the rest of her strength.

I saw her collapse. I sprinted over to her faster than I had ever run my life.


I was too focused on Y/N to even notice the sobs escaping my lips.

I felt her being lifted from my arms, but I couldn't let her go. I clung on tight as the Medjacks took her to the med tent.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Newt, you have to leave. We have to take care of her," one of the medjacks told me as we laid her down. I could feel the wrath bubbling from within me at his words.

I felt rage consume me. I clenched my fists, my knuckles went white, and I started shaking.


Suddenly I felt myself being dragged out of the tent by someone, and into the glade. I tried to writhe my way out of their grip, but it was no use. I had no energy after letting my emotions wholly consume me. Not long after I was dragged out, I gave up on escaping. I couldn't feel anything anymore. She was hurt. REALLY hurt, and I might never be able to see her again.

I felt my sobs return once again.

The person who dragged my out sat me down and engulfed me in a hug as I cried on their shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay," he reassured. "It's gonna be okay."

"But how do you know that," I mumbled back.

"Because she's strong, I know she can get through this," he said.

I wiped my eyes and to look at the mystery man who helped calm me down.

Immediately I felt adrenaline pump through my veins, and I threw a punch.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT," I cried out.

I couldn't control myself. This greenie didn't protect her. He failed to keep her safe, and now she's on death's doorstep. All remorse and guilt for haphazardly and unintentionally convincing him into the maze left my mind. He did this to her.

"NEWT WHAT THE HELL," yelled out Minho.

I saw him sprinting towards my out of the corner of my eye. He tore me away from the Greenie. I couldn't even look at him.

"Newt, calm down, it's not his fault," Minho tried to reason.


"Neither were you"

And that's when it hit me. He was right. I wasn't there.

And it was all my fault.


...ok so i know i've been actually the worst at updating. i know this is kinda short, but it felt like a natural place to stop. guys i swear im trying to get better at being consistent.

pls vote🙏🙏

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