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Y/n's pov: I had just woken up because I felt like i god my period and i get and look down yep i did. god i was so embarrassed because i was at my boyfriends house in his bed and god i just blood through.

drew wake up please i say.

drew woke up.

yea y/n he asked with his sleepy voice.

i kinda got blood on the sheets because of my period and i need to wash them i say shyly.

oh he looked at.

i'm so sorry drew i didn't know i was getting today and i didn't mean to get it on your sheets i start to cry.

drew got up and hugged me tightly.

its okay y/n i'll run you bath and i'll clean up yeah? he asked.

i nod and we walk to the bathroom and he runs me a warm bath and i start undressing and get in the bath tub and sit down. i look at drew and he wiped my tears.

i know im sorry its gross i sigh.

no y/n its not gross it happens im not mad i promise he smiled.

drew left the room and i soaked for a while feeling horrible i get out and dry off and look for tampons i had here and put one in. i walk back to the room in a towel and see the sheets were changed and one of his shirts and a pair of new panties were laying the bed.

i put them both on and lay down, drew came back into the room and laid next to him and faced me.

i have to go to work in a little while but on my way back i'll stop and buy u a blanket, and get you a heating pad, and lots of comfort food he said.

okay i smile.

i must of fell asleep because i woke up and drew was getting ready to head to set and was getting dressed. i yawn and sit up i get up and wrap my arms around his waist.

have a good day at work babe i say.

i will try he kissed my head and i will be back later to cuddle.

i tell him bye and he heads out the door and look to my right on the night stand and saw mydol and a glass of water i smile. drew is so freaking sweet. i take the pills and lay back down and watched netflix on my computer because it was easier. i look at the time and it was 7:30 in the morning omg its so early i can't i close my lap top and take a nap.

i wake up and check my phone it was noon.

*skip to when drew gets home*

i hear the door open and i knew drew got home and i walk ds to meet him.

how are you feeling y/n he asked.

im feeling okay just my stomach really hurts i groan.

well i got a heating pad and a blanket and snacks he says.

you didn't have to do that drew. you felt bad when drew spent money you for a lot of reasons.

drew and i walk to the couch he plugs the heating pad in and we sit down. drew hands me the blanket and covers us both up i lay head on him and we watch a movie.

you always make me feel better drew i say smiling.

good thats my job y/n he said and then pecked your lips.

i love you i said.

i love you too he replied.

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