long distance

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Y/n's pov: Do you know what it feels like to be an long distance relationship. not seeing that person, or having them to fall with, or waking up to them it's hard, and missing them so badly.

I really miss drew when he's filming. but my job also has me traveling a lot recently like right now I'm in New York City.

I answer a facetime call from drew.

~on face time~

"good morning y/n" he says.

"good morning drew" i say.

"how's new york?" he asks.

"good but traffic is bad, how's filming?" i ask.

"good but i miss you" he says.

"i miss you too" i smile.

"well i gotta get back filming, i love you y/n" he says.

"i love you to drew" i reply.

~end of face time~

I get out of bed and take a shower, after i get out. i get dressed and leave for work.

As I'm ubering to work for the last day until i head back home.

I get work and start filling out paper work to get the day started.

~after work~

I get back to my hotel and I got this amazing idea. I grab my phone and call one of his co workers.

~on the phone~

"hey madelyn" i say.

"oh hi y/n it's been a while" he says.

"so i have an idea your help with" i say.

"okay what is it" she asks.

"i wanna surprise drew" i say.

"okay i can help you, buy a plane ticket and handle the rest" she says.

"thank you" i say.

~end of phone call~

I get on my lap top and book a plane ticket that leaves tomorrow.

I pack up my hotel and get everything put together for tomorrow.

I put pajamas on and get into bed and falls asleep.

the next morning

I wake up super early and get dressed i put on black leggings, pink tube top, and sandals.

I check out of my hotel room and uber to the air port to check into my flight.

Twenty minutes later my flight got called and I run to board my plane. i get on the plane and wait for the plane to take off.

~after the plane lands~

I grab my suit case and walk out the door and see madelyn get out of an uber.

i walk over to her and we hug.

"lets go" she says.

she tells the driver where to go and we talk about everything.

she was the first one i met a while ago and we just kind of clicked and then i met the rest of the cast and there'll amazing.

when we arrive at the studio.

"okay this drew's trailer it's unlocked you can set your stuff down in there" she says.

"okay" i say.

i put my bags down in his trailer and walk out and we walk in the studio.

she takes me the lounge room and wait there.

i start pacing back and fourth from nerves and excitement.

she text me to come out.

i walk out the door.

"drew!" i say.

"y/n!" he smiles.

i run and jump into his arms and give him a kiss on the lips.

"i love you so much" he says.

"i love you so much too" i reply.

idea from @moonxbluejeans

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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