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Y/n's pov: Drew and I unprotected sex a month ago right after my period and its been a month since then. I was supposed to get my period three days and I'm starting to panic I mean we've talked about kids but not this soon. So I texted one of my friends to get a me test, to make sure and she's on here way right now.

When she finally gets here, I walk downstairs and let her and we instantly go to the bathroom and I take the test. Waited a couple minutes and it said Pregnant and bold letters and I started to cry I don't know if they were happy or sad tears.

"you should make and OBGYN appointment" my friend tells me.

"you think so?" I ask.

"just to make sure because it could be false positive" she says.

I get on the phone and call my doctor right away and I could get in tomorrow at 9 am which is great because drew will be filming by then. I will tell him tomorrow when I get actual results I can rely on. I look down at my phone and drew texted me.

*text messages*

"I'm filming late tonight don't wait up."

                                              "okay" i reply.
"i love you y/n" he texts.

                                               "i love you too" i reply.

I close out of my messages and shut my phone off and decide to go make something because I'm so hungry like I haven't ate all day. I found some food and made it up.

*time passes*

I go up to bed.

~next morning~

I wake up at 7 am and instantly run to the bathroom and begin to throw up a second later drew comes running in to hold my hair back and rub my back.

"are you okay y/n" he asks.

"yea probably just something I ate" i reply.

After I finished I walk to the room and put on.

 I tell drew I have an appointment with the doctor just so he knows and I leave the house around 8:20 just to make sure I get there on time

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I tell drew I have an appointment with the doctor just so he knows and I leave the house around 8:20 just to make sure I get there on time. When I arrive I get checked in and wait for my name to be called, I begin to play games on my phone. A couple minutes later I get called back.

She has me pee on stick and while they wait for that they run a whole bunch of tests on me. The doctor comes back in the room and sits on her chair.

"well you are indeed pregnant" she says.

"by how long" I ask.

"about three weeks, you conceived exactly a month a go" she says.

"oh i" i say.

"come back in a couple weeks for your first ultra sound so we can see the baby" she says.

After my doctors appointment I text my friend and tell her that I am indeed pregnant and she was so excited through text. But was I?

I do some shopping and go out for lunch and go back home.

I go upstairs and sit on the bed and begin to my ball my eyes out and think. Oh my god, are we ready for a baby, are we finically stable enough. I was crying and looking down I didn't realize drew was home and sat next to me.

"whats wrong y/n?" he asks.

"um well drew I don't know how to say this" i say.

"say what?" he asks.

"im pregnant, i took a test last night and it came
back positive but I wanted to make sure so I went to the doctor and they confirmed it" i say while sobbing.

"y/n thats amazing news" he says.

"what? but its too early how are we gonna do this?" I ask.

"yes I understand its early but y/n we'll figure it out I promise, this baby will the be the best thing ever" he says smiling.

"really" i smile.

"of course" he says while pulling me in for a hug.

I pull away and lay down, drew moves my shirt up so my stomach was showing and says.

"hi there baby this is your daddy talking, and me and your mommy are so excited for you. we can't wait to meet you, we both love you so much" he says.

Then he kisses my belly all over.

I smile. we are ready for this.

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