Chapter 8

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Sorry for the late update! Life kind of got in the way. Hope this chapter makes up for it! :)

Swear warning! (Bakugo shows up, so. . .)

I have to say, I never would have thought that my life would go this direction.

Shoto looked behind him for the umpteenth time, making sure that the dragons were keeping up. They seemed to be doing alright. Izuku was practically dancing around Hitoshi, apparently engaging him in conversation. Ochako was bobbing along in the air like normal. Tsuyu was padding along next to Hitoshi, occasionally adding a chirp or coo of her own to the conversation. Tenya and Momo were on the outer edges of the group, keeping an eye on their surroundings.

All's as it should be, then.

. . .I never thought I'd say that in this kind of situation.

As he watched the dragons, Ochako let out a yip and made a loop in midair—only to smack into a low-hanging branch as she straightened her flight path. He couldn't help snickering a little.

He was so distracted by her antics, he didn't notice the rope laying on the path until his horse shrieked and staggered sideways, flinging him partially from the saddle.

What on earth—?!

He managed to untangle his leg from the stirrups and steadied himself. Then he knelt down to examine his horse's leg.

Is. . .is that a snare?

He quickly untied the rope, standing up so he could find where the snare had been tied. It was apparently linked to a nearby sapling.

What on earth was that doing there? We're in the middle of the woods. Hunters don't usually go out this far, do they?

Izuku wound around his legs, cooing with concern; and he leaned down to stroke the dragon's mane. Behind him, Momo, Tenya, and Hitoshi were circling his horse, who was limping with one leg curled up. When he crouched to the ground, he could tell it was sprained at the very least.

Looks like I'll be walking for a while.

Suddenly, Hitoshi growled, and Shoto whipped around so fast he fell over. Grumbling, he scrambled to his feet again. There was a distinct rustling coming from the undergrowth, and he prepared to shoot a blast of ice.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't for a bright pink-and-white-and-yellow blob to tumble out onto the path. There was a moment of utter silence, as he and his dragons stared at the newcomer. Then he groaned and buried his face in his hands.

What am I, a dragon magnet?!

The new dragon shook its head, getting to its feet and looking around with striking black-and-yellow eyes. Ochako, always the bold one, bounced forward and let out a welcoming chirp. The two communicated for a minute, then the new dragon dashed back into the undergrowth.


I was not expecting that. Particularly not a dragon that looks so much like Ochako—granted, it was a slightly darker pink and its mane was curly and white. And it didn't have wings.

He was shaken from his musings by a much louder rustling in the bushes. Then the new dragon returned, followed by four others. One was a bright crimson, similar to Momo, and had shimmering scales that reminded him of diamonds. Another was a bright, sunny yellow with black streaks in its mane, resembling lightning bolts. The third had light cream scales, with orange-golden horns and a black-tipped mane. The fourth had royal purple scales, almost like Hitoshi, with peachy horns and large, shell-like ears.

𝓢𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓮 (𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓸𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾/𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓽𝓸𝓭𝓸)Where stories live. Discover now