Chapter 3

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He groaned as he finally returned to his room.

If I hear one more word about exotic cheeses today, I WILL riot. And it will not be pretty.

When he opened the door, he was immediately greeted by a faceful of scales and fur as Pink flew at him. He sputtered for a moment before finally getting a grip on the exuberant hatchling.

"Sorry, Sho," Fuyumi said, coming over with Dark Blue in her arms. He shrugged and shifted his grip on Pink.

"Were they terrors?"

"Not too bad." Natsuo was lounging on his bed with Dark Green and Red on his chest. "They've got a shit ton of energy, though."

"So I've seen—he cut himself off as he felt something land on his head. "Emerald is on my head, isn't it?" When his siblings nodded, he groaned again. "Why does it like my head so much?!"

His siblings snickered at him for a minute, then Fuyumi composed herself and went to his desk, where a stack of books sat.

"I found some things in the library about dragons," she said, setting down Dark Blue and picking up a book. "There's not a lot about humans adopting hatchlings, but I did find one account of a man who raised a dragon from an egg. Thought you'd like to read it."

"Yes please."

"Then we'll leave you to it." Natsuo swung off the bed (after setting down the dragons, thankfully) and stretched. "Call us if you need help again."

"Of course. Thanks again."

His siblings left and he settled down at his desk, sighing internally as the dragons all made their way over and curled up on him. Then he cracked the book open and began reading.

'Throughout my years of studying dragons and their behavior; I have discovered several things. Firstly, dragons, far from being brute beasts, are extremely intelligent creatures and know much about themselves, even from a young age. Even as hatchlings, they understand who and what they are; and their awareness begins before they leave the eggs.

The second thing is this: even the youngest of dragons have unique gifts, and can communicate details about themselves to others, particularly when they are close to that person.

Third, dragons will become attached to those who take care of them. They are intelligent enough to differentiate a caregiver from a parent, but they will still connect to said caregiver if they are treated well.

Fourth, dragons learn and grow quickly. Even at birth, they know their own identity intimately, though this could change as they mature. They only get more and more intelligent, perceptive, and knowledgeable as they grow. They also grow very quickly, Though they start at about the size of a young cat, they will double in size within two weeks. They will be large enough to bear a rider for short periods of time in a month after hatching.'

"Is that true?"

Dark Blue raised its head from his lap and looked at him calmly. The other dragons moved from their various perches and assembled on his desk, staring at him. Then Emerald stepped forward and set a single clawed paw on his wrist. Then it chirped loudly. He furrowed his brow. If he listened hard, there was a distinct set of syllables there. He couldn't pronounce most of it—too guttural for his vocal cords—but he caught a bit of it.

"I. . .Izuku?" he said slowly. The dragon chirped again. "Is your name Izuku?"

'Izuku' bobbed its—his?—head. Then Pink came up behind him and warbled. There was another set of syllables there, now that he knew what he was looking for.

"Ochako. . .?"

'Ochako' gave a 'nod' of assent, and Shoto got the distinct feeling that she was female. Then Dark Green spoke up, followed by Red and Dark Blue.

"Tsuyu. . .Momo. . .and Tenya?" He pointed to each dragon as he spoke and they gave nods or chirps in response. "Alright then. . .I'm Shoto."

Izuku cooed and returned to his spot on top of his head. He sighed (more resigned than anything at this point) and gathered up the rest. Suddenly, Momo shot to attention and wriggled out of his arms.

"What is it?"

The red hatchling made a beeline for the door to his balcony, Shoto following with a sense of bemusement. This quickly turned into despair and sheer aggravation at the sight awaiting him.

"WHY ME?!" he screeched, glaring at the box of exotic cheeses (which Momo was currently snacking on) like it was the source of all of life's hardships. "JUST WHY?!"


:Why is Shoto yelling at nothing?: Ochako asked, amusement clear in her tone.

:No idea!: Izuku chirped, sticking his head down to stare their caretaker in the eye. :But the cheese smells interesting. Do you like it, Momo?:

:Yes. Yes I do. And since he doesn't seem to want it. . .more for me!:

Bookwyrm here. Please comment, it feeds my creativity. Thank you!

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