~chapter 5~

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Tw:fights,blood,more daggers,Matt

Catras POV:

It's been a month since I started hanging out with adora and her friends honestly there pretty cool. But the downside is I am now getting tormented by Matt and his stupid friends josh and Chad. Chad had to have gotten held back at least twice he looks 20! And josh UGH he looks just as bad as Matt.

"Hey catra!" Adora said running up to me in the hall

"Oh hey blondie what's up" I said shutting my locker and facing adora

"Nothing much glimmer and bow should be here soon" Adora said

"Well do we-"

"How many times do we have to tell u stay away from her!" Matt said out of no where

"Omg u really don't know when to quit do u" Adora said laughing

"I know right! He's desperate!" I said and adora laughed harder then I was met with a hard slap

"Won't be so funny when ur in the hospital on life support because of what I did" Matt said

"Oh please if anyone would be on life support it's u this is catra we're talking about Matt" Adora said giving Matt a death glare and I blushed a bit HE DEATH GLARE IS HOT AND TERRIFYING AT THE SAME TIME- HOW?!

"But baby! I don't know how u could be with this scum!! She's probably poor and lives in her parents basement" Matt said

"I don't care" Adora said shrugging "come on let's go to class catra!" She said grabbing my hand and dragging me to class And I blushed and I could swear she did to but I couldn't really see

(Time skip)

ITS LUNCH TIMEEE about time! Me adora glimmer and bow are sitting on a bench outside eating our lunch

"Ugh I swear this stuff just isn't edible" bow said inspecting his food

"Well the pizzas good" Adora said eating her pizza

"Everything else is BLAH" I said then I got up and threw my tray of food in the trash and went back to the bench I was sitting at

"Oh gosh we can't have nice things anymore can we" glimmer said

"What do u mean?" I asked and she pointed so I looked to where she was pointing and I saw Matt  coming towards us

"Should we run?" Bow asked

"Nah we gotta face him head on guys!! We're the best friends squad we got this!!" Glimmer said

"Hey scum, babe" Matt said to me and adora

"Catras not a scum and I'm not ur babe.. bye now" Adora said eating the last bite of her pizza

"Babe don't be like that... ur letting this scum corrupt u!! U must stay away from her!" Matt said

"I already told u. I'm still gonna hang out with her if u like it or not" Adora said

"Beat  it Matt nobody wants u here!" Bow said

"Crop tops mad? That's new" he said

"Hey only I call him crop top" I said

"Aww is the furry mad?" Matt said

"This 'furry' is about to beat ur ass"

"Is that a challenge?"

"Take it how u want" catra said shrugging then Matt punched me so I kicked him away from me

"I SMELL DRAMA!!" A lizard person said then ran over to us and took out some popcorn

"The names dt by the way.. but by all means carry on!" They said Then Matt pushed me off the bench

"watch it! These are new u pig!" I said getting up and brushing myself off

"U gonna fight or r u chicken?" He said

"I thought I was a furry?" I asked

"UGH don't test my patience" Matt said then he tried to slap me but he missed so I punched him in the face and pushed him down to the floor his lip was bleeding

"U DUMB CAT!" He yelled then he got up punched me in the face he tried to do it again but I blocked it and hit him in the jaw and he fell to the floor

"AND CATRA IS THE WINNER!" Bow yelled and kicked Matt

"That was fun to watch" dt said

"Adora baby do u see what there doing to me.." Matt said looking at adora who was smirking but her smirk soon turned into a soft smile and she walked up to Matt

"Aww Matt... my poor baby.." she said kneeling down to him. 'WHAT THE HELL?' I thought to myself "y'know I never meant what I said..."

'HUUH?!? Is she Fr rn!' I thought to myself

"Y-you didn't?"

"Of course i did" she said then pulled out her dagger and cut him "I meant ever word" she said then out her dagger back to wherever she got it from Then she stood up

"Now ur gonna stay away from us and from catra got it Matt" glimmer said

"I can't do that.. sorry glitter bomb" he said getting up but then he walked away

"I don't think he got the memo" dt said

"He'll get it eventually" bow said shrugging

"Well let's get catra to the nurse" glimmer said

"Why I'm fine" I said

"Ur bleeding catra- ur going to the nurse"

"Fine but only bc it means I get to skip classes" I said walking to the nurse with adora bow and glimmer

(Time skip)

After school we all went to glimmers house to do hw

"This is boring!" I said

"Well I'm done!" Adora said

"HOW?!" Glimmer asked

"I work fast I guess" Adora sis shrugging

"Whatever I'm gonna go get a snack" glimmer said and left the living room

"Ur a loser" bow said throwing a pillow at adora

"Oh yeah! Well u like glimmer!" Adora said throwing the pillow back at him

"Well u like ca-" bow said but was cut of by a pillow hitting his face

"HMMM me? Liking anyone NAH" Adora said rolling her eyes but bow just smirked and looked between me and adora 'weird...'

"A bit weird but ok!" I said going back to my hw

"I GOT SNACKS!" Glimmer yelled running into the living room

"YAY! IM STARVING!" Bow said. And we all ate out snacks talked and laughed and sadly did our hw. Hw will absolutely be the death of me-

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