~chapter 9~

828 31 32

Tw:knifes,blood,kidnapping, Matt ,buries

Catras POV:

"Uhh Adoras been gone for a while let's go check and see if she's ok" I said

"Awww the kitten cares!!" Glimmer said and I rolled my eyes

"Yeah yeah whatever" I said and we all walked inside when we got there we didn't see anyone? it was empty...

"Uhh where's adora?" Bow asked

"ADORA?" Glimmer yelled...but there was no answer we tried calling her a bunch of times but it always went to voicemail so we called the police and said she was missing 'why did this have to happen' I thought to myself

Adoras POV:

I woke up and I was tied to a chair? In what looked like a basement or just an abandoned house

"Hello?" I said nobody answered I tried to get up or at least get out of the chair but it didn't work

"Oh adora don't bother trying." Someone said

"Who's r u? And why am I tied up r u CRAZYI said

"crazy for u baby!" They said i recognized the voice after he said baby

"Matt? ARE U INSANE LET ME GO" I yelled

"No can do!" He said walking to me

"We're gonna have a lot of fun! But first we have to have a little discussion" he said shrugging And I spit in his face

"UGH- that was nasty!" He said wiping his face

"WHY AM I HERE!" I yelled

"SHUT UR MOUTH BEFORE I CUT IT OFF" he yelled "now that ur quiet! Here what's ur gonna do! IF I let u go u have to SWEAR on ur LIFE that u will stay. Away. From. Catra. Got it?" He said

"NO" I yelled then he cut my leg

"I'll say it again. You u are going to stay away for her or else"

"Or else what?"

"You'll find out... very..very.. soon" he said then he walked out the room closed and locked the door. THANKFULLY he left the light on

Glimmers POV:

Adoras been missing for 12 days.. the police have been trying to find her but they haven't had any luck yet and catra is completely out of it she hardly talks or sleeps thankfully she's still eating tho mara and Jules have been trying to look for adora themselves but they haven't had any luck either..

Adoras POV:

I've been here for two weeks- TWO WEEKS- I have buries and cuts and blood all on me and there's a lot of blood on my dress YEAH IM STILL IN MY DRESS! I mean he lets me shower so I don't smell HORRIBLE and he gives me the left overs of his food which is like crumbs- so I don't really get a lot to eat. But anyway.. I'm still tied to this stupid chair while Matt is in the bathroom...

Anyway I looked around to see if I could find anything to help me escape but I couldn't.. 'not even a kni-OH I TOTALLY FORGOT! I have my dagger!!!' I thought to myself as I tried to reach into my pocket it worked thankfully and I took out my dagger and starters cutting the ties on wrist after a while I got of the ties and moved on to the one son my feet. Then I heard water running so I started going quicker eventually I finally got out I was about to run but Matt came out


"Getting out of here!" I said

"NO UR NOT!!" He said then he tackled me so I cut him with my knife and she yelled in pain so I pushed him off me and ran towards the door but he threw me away from it and then ran towards me he punched me and then kicked me to the ground

"U aren't leaving!" He said grabbing me by my wrist

"Yes I am!" I said then I stabbed him right in the stomach and he let go of my wrist. And I RAN towards the door opened it and then ran out the house. I ran as far as I could then I FINALLY spotted my house!!

Glimmers pov:

Mara and Jules went out again to try and help the police look for adora so it was just me catra and bow at her house then I heard a knock on the door

"That's probably the pizza.." I said and walked over to the door when I opened the door it wasn't the pizza and I'm SO glad it wasn't

IT WAS ADORA! After a while of looking at her making sure she was real she passed out and I grabbed her before she hit the floor

"A LITTLE HELP OVER HERE!" I said then bow came over and he gasped and his eyes welled up with tears

"Is that-"

"Yes! Now! Help me get her to the couch!" I said then how picked her up bridal style and laid  her on the couch

"Go get the first aid kit! Oh and call the police and Mara and Jules!" Bow said. I ran over to the bathroom got the first aid kit then I took out my phone and called the cops Jules and Mara. After that I ran downstairs and handed bow the first aid kit Then I ran back upstairs to get catra..

"Catra!" I said running up to her

"What?" She asked

"come downstairs NOW!" I said

"No! I wanna stay up here"

"Trust me catra ur gonna wanna go down there!" I said dragging her downstairs

"Ok! I got her all patched up!! She should be fine" bow said

"What are u talking abo-" catra said but she cut herself off when she saw adora

"Is- is that adora?" She asked and she started tearing up

"Y-yeah.. BUT she's not dead!! She just y'know passed out! She should wake up in 1-2 business days" I said

"WERE HERE!!" Jules said running into the door

"Is it true?" Mara asked

"Yeah she's over there" I said pointing at the couch and they both ran over there

"OMG MY BABY!" Jules said and covered her mouth with her hand and started crying

"She'll be ok mom..." Mara said "she has to be.."

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