22. Couch

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A few hours passed and it was time for you to head back to the compound.

"Sure you won't stay for dinner?" May looked at you.

"No. Thanks for asking."

"I'll walk Y/N out." Peter shouted as both of you left the house.

"You can text me if you need help." Peter walked you to the streets.

"Thanks." You smiled kindly at him.

At the corner of your eyes, you spotted a familiar looking car. A car that you have taken plenty of times to the point where you could draw it out to the last detail. You could see it driving towards you and eventually stopping right at your feet.

"Don't tell me you have been waiting for the past hours."

"Nope. I was only here for 2 hours." You can't tell if she was lying, what if you hadn't come out later. Wouldn't she have continued waiting?

"Tony also wanted me to tell you that the repair guy couldn't come today so you'll be sleeping in my room."

"Hmm... What!? Then where would you sleep?" You whipped your head around to face her.

"I'll sleep on the couch." Nat was still focusing on the road ahead.

"No... I'll take the couch. I feel more comfortable there anyways." You shifted in your seat.

Nat wasn't going to argue with you. By the time you got back, everyone had started to wind down. Some retreated back to their room while some were using their phones in the common area. You changed into comfier clothing and grabbed a blanket and headed down to the couch.

"You're sleeping here tonight?" Steve noticed the things you carried in your arms.

"I broke the window this morning." You made yourself comfortable on the couch. "I couldn't let Nat sleep here because of my mistake."

"Sleep well." Steve left the room and dimed the lights.

You've made quite the memories despite being here for only 5 months. One of the first few nights was also spent on this couch. But that was because you couldn't get used to the soft bed, now you actually offered to sleep here.

You woke up pretty early the next morning, heading back to your room before anyone woke up and saw you. There was a plastic tarp covering the window to block any wind from entering the room. It was doing the best it could, you could hear it beating against the window frame as you were showering.

You got out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea.

"Your room should be done by today." Tony appeared behind you.

"Alright thanks." You didn't mind if it took longer, sleeping on the couch wasn't that big of a deal. You considered it a luxury. 

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