Hot Girl.!!

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This is a coming-of-age story. This means first it starts when the characters are too young to have sex, So there's no sex for a couple of chapters.

Some are longer than others, and there is not a sex scene in everyone. (Though some have more than one.) More importantly, sex is a thing that happens, it's not written to be titillating, but rather just as events.

It's a story with sex in it, not a story about sex. I think it's pleasantly acceptable anyway.

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Becky hooked her arm in mine and smiled, "This is cool right, no one is weird? I mean, we're all friends still right?"

Jenna laughed. "Well, it's about time he hooked up with one of us; way to go Becky!" She gave Becky a high-five. Okay, that was a little awkward, 'about time'?

Alison grinned and kissed me on the cheek with one of her typical hugs. "Happy birthday, Jake; make it a good one," she whispered in my ear. I smiled back, but I held myself apart from her hug a little.

Chloe also came up and hugged Becky and then after the barest hesitation, me. "This is great; I'm glad you found a date, Jake." she said. Though there was an odd note in her voice I'd never heard before. Jealousy? Relief? Awkward embarrassment from my earlier fumbled kiss?


I put my arm around Becky, and she laughed and kissed me again.

For the next few hours, I enjoyed the hell out of myself.

I danced with all of the girls as was typical party behavior with us. Though it was weird with Chloe, and we danced only once. Becky and I thought, we danced a lot, and it drove me crazy each time. She made it her mission to torment me to new heights each time we touched. Soon it wasn't just her ass that she taunted me with; her fingers caressed my neck and the back of my head, her lips danced across my neck, and toward the end of the evening, during a slow song on the dance floor upstairs, her hand fell between us and she squeezed my cock through my pants.

I admit I have pretty good restraint. By that point in my life, I was no stranger to my hand and teasing myself. I could hold it off a while and I wasn't afraid of losing it early with a girl my first time. But I swear to god I almost lost it right then. I gasped and clenched up against her which took her for a surprise.

She pulled her hand away and put it on the back of my neck. Her fingers delicately caressed my neck as we swayed together.

She leaned in and kissed my ear then whispered into it, "Everything okay baby?"

Baby? We were on pet names already?

I turned to whisper in her ear, "I think I need a break from the torment Becky, it's nice, but..."

"You almost just lost it in your pants?" She leaned just far enough back like she was going to kiss me but instead caught my eye and bit her lip provocatively

Goddamn, that was hot.

"You could say that." I tried to laugh it off. It was embarrassing, but I did need a break or it would be more than just an 'almost'.

Her eyes twinkled with delight. At least she was enjoying herself. She kissed me again. A real kiss again, not a lip brush. Her mouth opened and parted my lips as well. I felt her hot, little tongue flick in and brush against mine. We were french kissing. My first french kiss.

It was slow too. Testing, exploratory, unhurried. We swayed against each other and kissed for the rest of the song. Exploring each other's reactions and covering new ground. For me at least. I had no idea what her experience was, but she didn't complain.

The song ended way too soon and we parted. She looked almost bashful. She blushed even and looked down. She took my hand and led me away from the party. We found a quiet corner in a hallway upstairs and she slid onto my lap. She didn't say a word and leaned in to pick up right where we left off. We kissed. We french kissed. We made out.

I made out with a girl.

A Hot Girl.!!

One of my best friends - and it wasn't weird. In fact, it made it hotter. Our hands didn't move around much. I gently pet her thigh, and her fingers teased my neck and the hairs on the back of my head. We mostly just kissed. A lot. Slow kissing. The kind you see in movies. I didn't rush d didn't feel any rush myself. We just kissed. Sometimes there was tongue. Well, most of the time really, but sometimes there wasn't. I can honestly say I lost myself in it. For once I wasn't fantasizing what it would be like; I was there, doing it, and I was loving every second of it.

And because it was Becky - that is, I think because it was my friend, I wasn't seeing it as a gateway to sex. I just wanted to enjoy the moment, and I wanted her to enjoy it too. I didn't want her to look back on this night with regret. So I did my best to follow her leads and hints about what I was doing that she liked and wanted more of.

My first hint things were going far better than I could have hoped for was when she moaned.

We'd been making out for, I dunno, at least twenty minutes, maybe forty. I honestly had no idea. She moaned against my lips. It was the first sound she'd made, and we'd found a pretty quiet corner, so it was the first sound besides the faint beat of the music and wet smacking of lips.

"Everything okay?" I asked, a bit breathless.

"Fuck yes. God Jake, this is so fucking sexy," she breathed against me. Unlike our first kiss of the evening, her lips initially messed up now.

"Yeah, yeah it is." I looked down at her lips and started to go back to kissing.

"I know I got you hard earlier," she breathed around the next kiss.

"Mm-hmm" I affirmed. More kissing.

"That was hot," she moaned again slightly as I kissed down her neck. I hadn't explored there much yet, and if she wanted to talk, it left her lips free. Far be it from me to interrupt a lady.

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