What Is It?

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Near the end of the first term, just a couple of weeks out from finals, I was over at Becky's house late on a Friday evening. Her parents and long since gotten used to my coming and going, and frankly, they loved me. After three months, I was the longest boyfriend she'd ever had. I was polite, I was a good student, I treated Becky well, and I was helping her with her school work. Thanks to me, Becky was probably going to make a high C average for the first time in her life, maybe even score a few B's.

This year, she was really trying. Maybe because she thought it was important to me, maybe because it was an excuse to spend more time together, maybe because she did want to. I was dunno. Maybe all of them. I was proud of her. I didn't think less of her at all because she wasn't a perfect student like me. That's just another kind of elitism, the kind Chloe and Jenna, Alison and Becky had helped me overcome socially. Now I was helping Becky academically.

Anyway, back to where we were.

I was over late on a Friday near the end of the term, helping Becky study for finals. It had to have been after midnight, and her parents had been in bed for a few hours. As I said, they loved me and trusted me. Most parents did.

My brain was somewhere between trying to understand the material that I was studying for chemistry and helping her with her upcoming history exam. At the moment, we were both reading quietly, but we had notes spread out all over her room. She was laying on her stomach on her bed, feet kicking up in the air. I was sitting on her floor with my back up against her wall with my book between my legs and my notes fanned out around me, I had a page in each hand, and I was trying to complete chemical bonds with mental pictures.

I missed whatever she said first, as my brain was not in the room with my girlfriend, but trying to hold equations in my head.

"Jake," she said, in the tone that said I'd missed the first thing.

"Hmm," I replied without looking up.

"My brain is mush," she flopped her head forward over the edge of the bed until her hair flopped even farther forward onto the floor.

I chuckled. I looked up and she was oozing her way off the bed. She was going to land in a heap on my carpet of notes. "Uh, Becky, baby..." I said as she oozed forward with increasing speed.

"Muushhh," she whined and slid off the bed in a slow-motion somersault that ended up with her laying face up and spread eagle over all my notes.

I was torn between laughter and exasperation, I'd spent the last hour organizing those. "You fell off the bed," I said with wry amusement.

"Mush," she said again, her lips pursed in that oh-so-sexy pout I loved.

I sighed. Break time I guess.

"Had enough?"

She nodded.

"Fine," I said with a sigh and closed my Chem book.

She rolled over on her side, crinkling my notes beneath her, and propped herself up on her elbow. I let my head fall back against the wall with a dull thunk. She picked up a page of my notes and looked at my scribbled notes for equations regarding the forming of chemical bonds between high-energy protons.

"How can you understand this stuff?" she said, turning the page upside down and giving it a mock frown.

I smirked, "Who says I do? Why do you think I'm studying?" I chuckled a little.

She smirked and turned her eyes back to the paper. She put it down and picked up a different one, then said, "Well, you understand enough of it to figure out the stuff you don't."

"Well that's true I guess." I was a little brain dead myself, so a witty reply was not in the cards.

She pulled herself up to her hands and knees. She carefully crawled over to me, avoiding further paper crumpling. I could see directly down her top, which was always worth the look. She didn't have a sexy expression or anything, just an amused smile, maybe even a little smug. She pulled herself up between my legs and kissed me. Just a soft brush of the lips, but she had a way of making even that simple touch feel charged with electricity

"How can one guy be so damn smart?" she said softly after she pulled back.

I opened my eyes and looked at her bright blue eyes.

She blinked her long lashes slightly as she looked back down at my lips, then went back in for another kiss. This time our mouths opened and our tongues played their now familiar game of gentle tag. We'd gotten pretty good at this dance since our first one. We kissed for several long minutes before she pulled back again.

God, I loved kissing her. The whole world would fall away and it would just be the slow-motion of our lips and tongues. She loved kissing, I think that was her favorite thing we did together. She'd mentioned several times that she loved kissing me because, unlike other guys, I'd "let her do some of the kissings" rather than her just being on the receiving end of their slobbering. I may have taught Becky math and grammar, but she sure as hell taught me the best of everything I know about kissing.

We broke apart after a few minutes and she straightened up and scooted up between my legs. I put ran my hands up her bare thighs and cupped her perfect ass. She was wearing just a thin pair of cotton shorts and they did nothing to disguise the equally thin pair of panties she had on underneath. Her lips were far out of my reach now, as she'd straightened up and was now running her fingers through my hair with a thoughtful expression. She looked down at me as if considering something.

"What is it?" I asked, feeling a tiny bit self-conscious.

"I was just thinking," she said as she played with the ends of my hair.

"I thought you said your brain was mush."

"Only when it comes to thinking about school work," she said with a cute little smirk.

"Oh-ho," I said with a knowing chuckle.

She leaned down again and brushed her lips against mine, her hair fell around us like a tent.

"I'm always able to think about you," she said after the kiss.

That made me blush, luckily it was pretty dark in the hair tent.

"So what were you thinking about?" I asked.

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