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She sighed and shivered slightly; it wasn't at all cold out, so I assumed it was a good shiver.

"Only fair I guess, then," she said tilting her head back.

"What is?" I kept kissing her neck. I didn't suck, I didn't want to give her hickies. I always thought that was a little rude. And ugly.

"Cause I'm wet right now," she said.

Friends, that is the best kind of encouragement a guy needs.

I slipped my hand up to the front of her dress slowly. Too slowly for her, I guess, because her hand dropped down and pulled my hand up to her breast. Small as it was, it was still a pleasant round handful. I could feel her nipple hard against the palm of my hand and she dropped her mouth back down to mine kissing me with a groan. She squeezed my hand so I squeezed her breast. More moaning.

Thus, we added petting to our making out.

It was not to last though.

We were just really getting going again with a definite new element of urgency to what had been previously just a slow-paced make-out session when a slight clearing of the throat caught our attention.

We both looked up and Alison was standing in the door of the hallway we'd stashed our little trysting session in, and she had the biggest grin on her face.

I blushed - badly. But, so did Becky, and that made me feel pretty damn good.

"If you two don't mind, I need some help with Jenna. She's passed out," she said.

"Uh sure," I said, and helped Becky slide off my lap. Luckily I'd been so focused on Becky's enjoyment that I was not, in fact, erect. I was kind of surprised.

"She's on one of the couches downstairs," said Alison as she followed me out the hall and down the stairs.

"Got it," I said and wiped my face off as best I could.

The party was still going pretty well, but Jenna was not on any of the couches.

We asked around as best we could with the noise, but no one had seen her leave. Chloe was upstairs watching Jeremy play pool with his buddies, but Jenna wasn't up there with them.

I began to get a bad feeling. I started knocking on doors. As large as the beach house was, there were only about six bedrooms, an office, and three bathrooms, all three of which had lines of people waiting to use them. No one had seen Jenna, and most were pretty upset about me interrupting what was going on behind closed doors. I didn't care.

I got to one of the last unlocked bedrooms upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" I called against the door.

"Go the fuck away!" said a male voice.

"Hey, I'm just looking for my friend Jenna. Is she in there with you?" I asked.

"Go fuck yourself! Piss off."

That was not a no, and there was nowhere else in the house she could be.

"Jenna, if you're in there, just say something and I'll walk away!" I called out. Becky was behind me, and Alison had come up behind her.

There was no response.

My stomach twisted. Something was wrong.

I rattled the door. It was locked.

"Jenna!" I shouted, pounding the door again.

"Fuck - Off!" the male voice shouted again.

"Open the fucking door! Jenna!"

"What the fuck, Jake?" said Chloe as she came up the stairs with Jeremy.

"I think Jenna is in there passed out with some asshole," I said and rattled the door again.

Becky started looking scared, and Alison said, "I'm going to the office, there's a master key in there."

"And call the police too, Alison," I added loudly.

That must have got his attention because a moment later, before Alison could even get all the way down to the office door, the lock clicked over and a guy's face that I didn't recognize stuck his head out. He didn't have a shirt on.

"Piss off, we're fucking around! Now if you don't mind, get lost, okay?"

"Why hasn't she said anything then?" I tried to push the door open further, but he had his foot against it.

I did, however, get a look inside.

Jenna was indeed in there, but she didn't look conscious. Her shirt had been taken off. She was down to just her panties. He hadn't gotten those off yet. She wasn't moving. He was undressing her without her consent. I lost it. Someone was trying to rape my friend.

I - roared. I think. I shoved past him and we both went down in a tumble. I think he shouted in pain, I dunno. I might have broken his foot with the door. I scrambled on top of him and started strangling the life out of him. He flailed his fists at me, but he mostly was just hitting my face indirectly; I didn't feel any pain at any rate. I think I was yelling something, probably something along the lines of, "I'm going to kill you, you fucking asshole!"

At least, I think. It's a little blurry.

Next, I remembered people were pulling me off him. I think it was Jeremy who got his arms undermined in a full nelson. Wrestler, go figure. He was yelling at me to "Ease off, ease off!"

I fought him. I was going to kill that fucker.

I'd like to say it was bravery, or chivalry, or some shit like that. It was just rage. He was about to violate my friend. I was going to kill him. It was much that simple.

A bunch of Jeremy's friends took the guy out back and sent him on his way. I'm told he accidentally fell down the stairs a half dozen times on his way out. Pity.

Alison and Chloe got to Jenna and covered her up with a blanket. She was semi-conscious, and had been trying to say "no" but couldn't make it work. She was crying. They helped her up and were starting to walk her past me when she heaved and blew out what I can only assume was about a gallon of pink martini. All over my pants.

All in all, a great addition to the night.

She blubbered something that might have been an apology, and Chloe and Alison got her to the bathroom. From the sounds of it, there were a couple of gallons more in there. Becky just looked at me and laughed. She was crying too.

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