Awfully Cute

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The next morning, we were woken up to a knock on the bedroom door. Becky was still wrapped up around me. I was still in just the borrowed sweat pants.

"Hello?" came Alison's voice from the other side of the door, perhaps the sound of a giggle too.

"Uhm, one second!" I yelled through the door.

Another giggle, "Okay, I brought you guys some clothes. I'm leaving them out here in the hall, okay?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," I said through the door again. Becky was starting to stir as I gently extracted myself from her entangling limbs. "How's Jenna?" I asked.

"She's home. And fine. Was just way too much booze. They had to call her parents though," Alison said, still from the other side of the door.

I winced.

"Oh crap," Becky said sleepily rubbing her face.

"No kidding," I agreed.

"Walking away now," Alison said. She was laughing.

I blushed.

I looked back, and Becky had pulled the sheet up to her chest; she was as bright red as I felt.

"Oops," she said softly, "We kind of over-slept."

"Yeah, I guess so," I replied. I waited a few more seconds and then opened up the door. Just outside on the floor were a couple of tee-shirts and folded-up pairs of jeans. I recognized my clothes on the top and the other pair as Becky's. Alison must have stopped by our houses. Shit. What the fuck had she told my parents?

I pulled the clothes in and handed Becky hers. She accepted them without comment and headed into the bathroom to change. I was a little disappointed she covered herself with the sheet on the way in. But the light of day is different than the wee hours of the morning, so I guess she was a little more bashful than I thought.

Which was good I supposed; I didn't feel super comfortable dressing in front of her myself yet. I noticed Alison had brought me a clean pair of boxers too, which made me blush again, or rather, deeper. I got dressed quickly.

I was just pulling my shirt over my head when Becky came out of the bathroom. She'd changed into the jeans and tank top and she had her dress from last night draped over one arm. She smiled at me and walked over. On the way, she lay her dress down on the end of the bed, and when she reached me, she slipped both of her arms around my neck.

"So, Uhm," she said softly, "Good morning..." and then she kissed me softly.

"Good morning," I breathed in reply after the lengthy kiss.

"So, are we okay still? Not weird?" she asked tentatively.

I shook my head, "Not weird for me. You?"

She bit her lip, considering, "A little, I mean I guess. You're my best guy friend, but I've been sort of thinking about what it would be like to go out with you for a little while now."

"Really?" I was honestly a little surprised. I mean she'd mentioned something about it last night, but, that was last night. I was still reeling from a lot of things about last night.

She nodded. "Yeah, I mean, you've gotten awfully cute this last year."

Okay, dammit, enough with the blushing.

She grinned, "I've always liked your eyes. I've never seen a guy with green eyes as light as yours; it's pretty sexy. And I like that you're tall. Taller than I am. Most guys aren't."

I was pretty tall now- six foot even, maybe a little over now. She had to be at least five-ten, maybe eleven. We were very close. I didn't know what to make of the eyes thing though. I mean, being sexy was great, but, hell I dunno; I was grinning like an idiot and blushing what was probably a shade of purple.

She ran her fingers through my hair; that was very nice. She continued, "And you're super nice. Most guys are kind of jerks, especially the cute ones. And smart, I'd fail school without you, but you aren't a dweeb about it. I am dunno. You make me laugh more than anyone except maybe Alison. I just..." she shrugged, "I like you. I like you as a friend a lot, but I think maybe I want more now."

The only response to that was to kiss her again, so I did. It was another long few moments before we spoke again.

"I like you a lot too. Honestly, I'm looking forward to getting to know you even better," I said after we broke apart again.

She smiled. "Now let's just hope everyone else is cool with us hooking up. I mean, none of us said specifically that we shouldn't date you, but sometimes I wasn't sure. Sometimes I think Chloe is a little jealous of you."

"Well, Chloe had plenty of chances. I'm done with waiting for her to make up her mind. Does she want to just be friends? I'm cool with that. Just friends," I said.

Becky nodded.

I sighed, "Well, shall we go downstairs and start getting them used to the idea of us together?"

She nodded and pulled her arms back from around my neck. Her hand still slipped into mine though, and we walked downstairs.

The place was trashed. Seriously trashed; it looked as though a hundred people had rioted. Or that they'd had a huge party. Blue plastic cups were everywhere, on every surface. A lot of them were still full of warm, flat beer. There were spills all over the place and more than one case of vomit in the corner. I winced; this was going to take all week to clean up.

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