Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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[Earth, NYC]

[1345, 9/9/2037]

A sunny and a normal day for New Yorkers. Nothing interesting currently happens, since it's a working day for everyone. But we cannot predict the future, because what happens in life are unexpected. This is a story of how two worlds are connected, and how will they interact with each other.

A guy with a cycling suit is riding his bike along the bike lane. Since it's an off-day for him, he wants to spend the day for a good cause... at least for him. 

After cycling for a few minutes, he stops by a vending machine and buys an energy drink, which he finishes it in one slurp. A sigh was released by the guy when an earthquake-like scenario occurs. "What the hell?" he says before a peculiar structure appears in the middle of the city.

A few vehicles from the police department arrives and sets up a perimeter between the public and the gate. That, everyone was shocked and curious about the new structure that appears out of nowhere. Well, everyone wasn't expecting about an incoming foreign army which resembles the Roman soldiers that exists a few centuries ago. What makes it weirder is because of the unknown army consisted of humans, goblins, orcs, and other humanoid species. A battlecry is heard from them and they start rampaging through the city which results in few casualties, both dead and wounded.

A cavalry soldier is charging towards a cop who aims his Glock on the soldier. A few shot from his Glock fires at the cavalryman, which hits his torso. The cavalryman falls down to the ground, but he instead gets up and charges again on the cop. The Glock is now empty, but the cop knows that reloading takes time, so he throws his handgun at the charging enemy. The cyclist man notices the scene and he rushes towards the cavalryman, thus disarming his knife and applies Jiu Jitsu on him, pinning the enemy on the ground. The cyclist continues to pin the enemy until he surrenders. The cop proceeds to cuff the cavalryman towards a lamp pole, to ensure the enemy doesn't flee. "Thank you. Imagine what would he do if you're not here." The cop compliments the cyclist.

"No problem, just doing my job. Can't let another person be killed by them.." the cyclist says before being interrupted by a shouting ogre while swinging his mace. "Kill and take any slaves you can find!" the ogre shouts . The ogre stands tall at 2 metres, where it notices both of them and starts charging towards them.

Few bursts can be heard behind from the cyclist and the cop, where the bullets heads towards the ogre. The bullets were aimed towards the ogre's head, which hits its head and the ogre falls down dead. "You both okay?" a feminine voice can be heard behind. Both of them gives a thumbs up before a few National Guards escorts the cyclist to a safe zone, leaving the cop to perform his duties and to prevent the cavalryman from escaping. "What's actually happening?" asks the cyclist to the NGs. "We are overwhelmed right now. The Army is mobilizing their men to assist us." the cyclist is a bit shocked to hear that. He realize the current situation is critical.


The National Guard, along with the Army has taken over the city back. Civilians casualties ranks up to sixty-thousand (60K+). Dead civilians totaled forty five-thousand (45K+) of the whole casualties. NGOs are scattered to assist civilians and clearing the city. 

The cyclist's phone rings and he answers it.

"I'm here." he said.

"First Lieutenant Redfield. Report back to base tomorrow, 0800." the voice said.

"Aye sir."

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