Chapter 3: The Counterattack

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-----12/9/2037-----, after the Army seizes Alnus Hill---

Imperial Senate, Sadera

The Senate building is packed with senators who associates with the Empire. They are having a session due to the United States Army seizes Alnus Hill last night, which resulted at least 35K casualties for the Empire. They are now completely clueless and lost as they try to understand with the casualties.

"My Emperor. It seems that this unknown enemy has obliterated the advance party. They just arrived into our world and they conquered our sacred hill. We need to be careful, as these enemy might be powerful than us. Thirty-five thousand soldiers died in one night.. Reports has shown that these enemy possess these weird bows that shoots fire from a long range with a big impact. " Marquis Casel, a senator and an intellectual reports to Emperor Molt Sol Augustus, the current emperor for the Empire.

Every senator agrees with Casel. They start talking with each other, agreeing with the statement made earlier.

"We cannot even see them, yet they managed to massacre our army!" A senator replies.

"These bows made these 'BANG, BANG!' noise when fired. It caused a massive morale drop within the surviving soldiers. Only 15 men survived the massacre." Another senator mentions to the whole senate.

Emperor Molt raises his hand, signaling the building to be silent.

"My countrymen. They might have peculiar swords and bows, but what do we have? We have the people, the numbers and pride. Yes, senators. We are proud of our history that has been written since the birth of the Empire, 689 years ago. I won't let our glorious empire be stomped and humiliated against these enemy. We will be launching a counterattack. They won't stop us all. Hail the Empire. Long Live the Emperor." Molt issues an order, which increases everyone's morale. "Hail Empire! Long Live Emperor Molt!" The senators shout, except for Casel where he approaches Molt and gives him a word.

"My Emperor. Every action has its consequences. I hope this decision would create a good outcome."

-----13/9/2037, 1:54 pm, Alnus Hill-----

Approximately forty-thousand (40K) humans and humanoid are marching towards Alnus Hill. A sign says "This is a restricted zone of NATO property. Trespassers will be shot." written both in English and Latin stands there before gets stomped by the marching army consists of humans, goblins and orcs. The marching was going fine until few explosions from the artillery line killed the Imperials at the frontline. "Is Alnus Hill erupting?!" Says a soldier before he dies from artillery strike.

"What kind of sorcery is this?! WHAT IS GOING O-" a leader dies before he gets to finish his words. The Imperials witnessed their Wyvern Corps gets overwhelmed with ease. "What kind of bows are they using?! They can't kill our wyverns with ease!" One of the Imperials mentions the event. The strike continues as they hear more scream from their brothers.

-----2 minutes passed-----

The artillery strike stops. The survived Imperial army has roughly 115 soldiers. 25 swordsmen and bowmen decides to desert, leaving their ninety (90) brothers behind. 75 humans and 15 goblins decides to make one last push. They let out their battlecry before something could be heard around them.

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