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I knocked on the door.

"Lori, it's Chris. You okay?"

I heard more glass breaking.


It grew silent and she opened the door and came out trying to hide her face.
She walked past me with a glass in her hand.

"Lori, what's wrong?"

She kept walking and I followed her upstairs. She walked toward the balcony but I grabbed her and put her on the bed.

I looked at her beautiful face that was now bruised with purple and blue and her neck was also bruised with a big hand print on it. I quickly called Auntie and took her to the hospital.

We sat in the waiting room and waited for the doctor.

"Mrs. Brown." A doctor called Auntie. They talked to her for about five minutes and she came back and told me to come with her to see Lori.

She was laying there basically lifeless with a bunch of machines hooked up to her. It was crazy.
I wonder what happened to her.

A week later we were able to take Lori home. Auntie stayed with us to make sure she ate and stuff. As for me, I was waiting for Ty to call me back so I could tell him what happened.

"What bruh?" He said as soon as I picked up.

"What's good? A nigga been trying to find you and make this bread.?"

"I've been busy. Handling shit."

"Baby who is that?!" I heard a female voice say.

"You always asking me that." He replied to her.

"It better not be no girl Michael!" She yelled.

I didn't know whether to hang up or stay on the phone as they went at it.

"A, let me handle this girl." Ty said.

"Fuck you and that hoe!" She yelled and I just hung up and laughed. That girl is crazy. That's exactly why I don't have a girlfriend. Women are crazy as fuck! Smh.

My phone vibrated to a text from Ty.

Ty: this girl get on my nerves.
Me: you good bruh.
Ty: what happened tho . Boss ain't lookin for a nigga is he?
Me: I ain't sure if he noticed you been missing
Ty: I'll be there in a little. This girl got my phone so don't text anything bout that shit
Me: word

The next morning I woke up and did the regular shit I did before I started my boring ass day. Auntie called saying she was gone to the store so she wanted me to check on Lori. I haven't been in her room since that day, let alone see her.

I put my hand up to knock but overheard talking.

"Why are you here?" Lori asked.

"Who did it Lor?" Ty asked her.

"Does it matter ? Go be with your bitch!"

"Here you go with this fuck shit about her. You know damn well you were wrong!"

"I don't give a fuck you came to me with that bullshhit so..."

"Fuck that shit!"

"Nigga get the fuck out!"

"You trippin."

"Boy get your ass out!" She yelled and started coughing. She was still weak and was suppose to be resting to get better and I wasn't gonna let Ty upset her so I walked in.

"Ayyy Ty, just come out." I said as nice as I could because he my nigga.

He sucked his teeth and walked out.

Later that night I heard screaming and shit coming from Lori's room. Damn wtf happened now?

I ran up the stairs almost busting my ass to get up there and Lori was fighting in her sleep. I tried to stop her from hurting herself but she started fighting me.

"Get off me Omari! Get off me! Please! Stop before I I kill you!" She screamed.

Omari? Her boyfriend. She kicked me in the head and I shook her ass. "Lori, it's Chris. Open your eyes."

"Chris." She stopped and started crying.

"Everything is okay. Omari is gone and I'm here."

"No, but he was here and he was beating me."

"You were dreaming."


"Look, you're good. He won't ever hurt you again. I'm here."

"Alright. She nodded.

"I'll be in my room." I got up but she pulled me down.

"No Chris. I can't sleep alone. Don't go." She hugged me.

I haven't had a hug in a minute, especially from a woman. I rubbed her back until she fell asleep and slept with my arms wrapped around her waist. What am I doing?

I slept with her every night. Gave her massages. Watched TV with her and cooked her breakfast, lunch and dinner. I felt like a bitch. Smh. Now I knew what mom felt like to always have someone to depend on her. It feels like you're handicapped but it actually kept me out of them streets and shit and I couldn't get lit and shit because I had to care for her and plus she didn't like the smell of weed lol

She came down the stairs dressed up for work with a smile on her face. I never seen her smile. She was always bitter and mean mugging people.

"Happy?" I asked.

"Thanks to you. Now come take me to work."

I grabbed the keys and did as was told.

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