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"Ummm..umm." she startled putting the knife back in her pocket.

"What is the meaning of this?" Auntie put her hands on her hips and tilted her head to the side.

"Well, uhm.. I was just.."

"Girl come with me." Auntie walked off as Justina trailed behind her.

India came out the room with a patient laughing hysterically. I'm guessing she saw it all.

"I swear I don't like that girl." She said pointing down the hall.

"She is kinda mean." Mrs. Jackson, the patient added.

"Lori, you ready for Mrs. J?" She scribbled her initials down at the bottom of the paper and handed it to me.

"Come with me Mrs. Jackson." I motioned her over.

Two hours later I was proceeding to clock out when I overheard some nurses talking.

"Can you believe her?"

"Who Justina? Girl yes. She never liked Lori. She hates her ass."


"Because look at her and look at Just. She's cute but Lori got it."

"You sound like a groupie. Lori ain't all that, Its that Ettins makes her look good. I can't wait till she retires. I want that promotion more than anything."

"& you deserve it girl but looks like this year ain't on our side."

"Don't worry Ima get that.."

India walked up and pulled me into the office to check out.

"Oh, hi India, Lori." One girl said.

"What's good?" India said smiling and punched us out.

"Remember policy is that you can't clock out other nurses."

"Yeah but she right here."

"You know the rules India." The other one said.

"Look girl I said she here. Its cool."

"I think we might have to take this to the supervisor of this wing."

"Yall seriously tripping." Indie said balling her fist up. Oh lawd! I hope she wasn't about to fight because she had no patience.

"We aren't. Just doing our job."

"Well how about you do your job and send me those copies plus I have three patients waiting for new bedding and why is the waiting room crowded when I sent atleast 30 people home in the last 4 hours?" Auntie came out of nowhere snappin.

"Well mam.."

"I don't want to hear it. Get to work!" She sighed and sat down. "Yall off Soo early?"

"Yeah. Short day today." Indie replied.

"Nice. Then I'll see y'all later. Lori call me later we got to talk. Bye y'all. "

We said goodbye and walked up the street to the gym. We worked up a sweat and I called Chris to get come get us.

"Thanks for taking me and picking me up I hope I didn't mess up any plans." I told him.

"Naa, you good." He said.

"Damn, I'm rude. India this is Chris. Chris, India."

They said hey to each other and rolled their eyes. Do they know each other? We dropped off India and got back home. I took a nice shower and laid down in bed watching a movie.

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