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Puffy POV:
It's about a week later now. I finally got back to work, rewarded Foolish and Michelle with way too large ice cream cones, and had a drink in Sam's honor.

It was pirate tradition; to honor the lost with a drink, and move on. You could show no weakness as a pirate, emotions such as sadness and fear were a weakness.

So I smiled, got my paperwork done, went home, played with my adopted children, and cried in my room. Sam was my best friend, and Dream was my son, my duckling. Now they are never allowed to come back. So I cried, but in secret as a pirate would.

Eret could tell something was wrong. They always could guess my feelings like that, huh? It's fine I'll tell them later. Eret is the Vice principal, wonderful at their job, caring for the children. They are the person who changed my life, they are a king and took me in. I became their knight, and right hand woman.

It's a normal day at the school, and Eret comes to the office, he looks serious. Real worried.

"Hey Eret, what's wrong?" I sound so unemotional, I need to work on that.

"P-puffy..." jeez forgot how deep his voice was over the few weeks I hadn't seen them in.
"Last week Tommy had 4 excused absences around a day or so after Sam left, these are excused due to Sam being his guardian and Tommy was mourning."

Poor Tommy, he's lost Sam, and Dream and who's next? His best friend? No one knows who's next to leave. "But today, both Tommy and Tubbo have been gone for two days this week, collectively meaning Tommy has been absent for 6 days. We sent Phil to check out his home... there was a note, specified for you puffy, as well as Technoblade and Wilbur Soot."

Oh god. Ohgodohgodohgodohgod. GOD DANGGINT TOMMY. not you too . Please XD not two more, they are just children... I have done nothing wrong for this pain.
"May I read the note please?"

Eret hands me the note. He's shaking, they've obviously been crying too, but like me they show their emotions either privately or we do it with each other.

CaPtain PuFFy,

Jeez, never thought I would love to see Tommy's chicken scratch. I chuckle at him specifying the F's instead of our inside joke of S's. Eret seems confused why I chuckled... I'll tell them later.

Me and Tubzo are running away. I miss Sam a lot Puffy. Please understand, I think you are the only one who will.

There's water-damaged bits on the paper, it made the invincible Tommy Danger Careful Kraken Innit cry, that means a lot. I ask Eret to lock the door, they ask if they should leave, I said I didn't care. They could tell it meant I needed them, so they stayed. And we cried together.

Philza POV: I brought Wilbur and Techno home their notes. It even made Techno waver. The unbreakable, unkillable, unbeatable, Technoblade. Wavering because a 16 year old left ran away.

I asked him what the note said. He said it was a secret, and he smiled. A sad smile, like he was trying to cheer me up, and also maybe himself too.

The notes: No POV


I knOw that yOu tOld me tO be a big, strOng man, but I cOuldnt. I miss Sam technO. He's what Philza is to you and Wilbur. Maybe, one day I'll be able to send you a letter, and you can come find me!

Till then,
Tommy innit, your best friend.


You are my big brother, at least in my eyes. Come with me soon? I'll send my cords right before i lose reception. Come find me :)

Your little brother,



You were a father to me before I had Sam.

I have no more to say



This note is scribbled out. Illegible. Philza never received this note and never will.
Tommy never wanted him to.
One day Techno found the note. He figured out what Tommy said. He never told Philza, it would break him.

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