a big promise

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J.d's POV: it had been one hell of a year so far it was now hailey's first birthday. I still can't believe that she was a year old already. Jakobia was out with Damian and Ashley. I'm still a little against the idea of Damian dating jakobia I mean after all shes my little girl and always will be.

2 hours passed and she was now home with Damian. I knew that was my queue to leave. I went into the basement and just started reading when I heard Damian asking to come in "hey mr dean can I talk to you about something?" Damian said. He sounded terrified. "Sure what's up" Damian paused before continuing "well I umm wanted your blessing to propose to jakobia I know how precious she is to you but shes also precious to me and I truly love her and always will I want to be with her for the rest of my life." Damian said. What he said had me shocked I spent this whole time being against this when he really cared about my jakobia just as much as I did, so I gave him my answer... "I give you my blessing to propose to jakobia but just know that we may be future in laws but if you so much as make my jakobia shed one fucking tear your ass is grass you understand me?" Damian looked me in the eyes and simply said "yes sir. Thank you mr dean" we both went upstairs to sing happy birthday to hailey. I love both my daughters so much and would literally kill anyone who hurt them or veronica.

Jakobia's POV: I was with Damian at my house surrounded by all my family when my mother and grandmother took me aside while my dad and grandfather did the same to Damian. I was confused. "Jakobia honey why don't we go to the mall and buy some clothes and stuff we haven't done that in a while plus you need it for the big suprise tonight." My grandmother said. I don't remember ever seeing her. She was the one who kicked my mom out when she was pregnant with me so obviously there's family tension. I just nodded my head. When we got to the mall we went into this really expensive looking dress shop. "Grandma why didn't we just go to target or something I can get a dress there it's much cheaper." My grandmother looked mortified "oh no no no I was told specifically to get a nice gown for tonight." Ok now I was really confused.

It was now 5pm and my grandmother dropped me off and we both stepped up to this really fancy restaurant I look inside and there's Damian all dressed up in a tuxedo looking hot as ever cant wait to RIP that suit off of him later. We were seated when all of a sudden a spotlight was shining down on our table specifically where Damian and I were sitting. Damian stood up took my hand in his and got down on one knee "you were my first love and will be my last love and even though we're only 17 i want to spend the rest of my life with you, so Jakobia Rose Dean, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I look at my dad who nods in approval and then I look at my mom who was crying and finally I looked at Damian and started crying "oh my god Damian yes yes yes a million times yes I love you so much" he then kissed me and after we ate we went back to his house where we had some really nice sex. Maybe this would be great I just hope we have a great life together.

Time skip to the wedding...
David's POV:the day of our wedding was magical but terrifying at the same time. I was now standing there at the altar waiting for my bride when the music started to play j.d came out walking jakobia down the isle she looked gorgeous. "The bride and groom have written their own vows you may speak now mr duke" "my dearest jakobia I've known you since before I was even born I never expected to be with you up here but I'd do it all again I love you more and more every day and I can't wait to start a family with you someday and just be with you forever until death do us part." "My dearest Damian I've loved you since the 4th grade but was scared to admit it. It wasn't until 10th grade we officially became a couple and now we're about to be husband and wife I love you with all my heart and always will until never do us part." "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." And with that jakobia landed a passionate kiss on my lips. She was so happy. After we were in our hotel room and just started cuddling. I'm truly happy with her and always will be.

Jakobia's POV:it was now our wedding night and I was so eager to RIP that fucking suit off of him so I just started doing that he eventually caught on and we had a wonderful wedding night and consummated our marriage. I'm truly happy and in love with Damian and always will be. I wonder if we'll ever have kids but that's a thought for another night.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: hi guys it's me the author now unfortunately this is the ending of "our love is god" but worry not my friends a sequel is in the works.

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