Chapter 4 ( Baby Momma)

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The next morning Terrel dosen't care that he still smells like alcohol from the bar, he doesn't care to go home and shower or even change clothes. As soon as his shift is over he rushes to the car and drives to the nearest CVS, he buys a two pack clear blue pregnancy test and heads on his way. When he arrives at Gabi's  he doesn't wanna talk to her because of what happened last night but he decides not to let it show, because this is more important than his feelings. He gets there around 7 and gives her a FaceTime call.

Terrel: Hey baby

Gabi: Hey babe

Terrel: What you doin?

Gabi: Nothing I was sleep your call woke me up

Terrel: Oh sorry about that, but I was calling to tell you to open the door I'm outside.

Gabi:Dang ok, but why so early?

Terrel: Remember I said I was coming first thing in the morning to see if we were gonna have a baby.

Gabi: Oh yea I almost-

Gabi starts gagging and runs to the bathroom to throw up.

Terrel: Baby are you ok?

Gabi: Yea I just had to throw up, but I'm coming to the door now

Terrel: Ok bye


This makes Terrel even more anxious and worried that she is pregnant, if she's having morning sickness. When the door opens he's welcomed to the sight of Gabi brushing her teeth.

Terrel: Hey baby

Gabi: Hello

Terrel:So are you ready?

Gabi: No, but I'm still going to take it.

Terrel: I know but let me get a cup for you to pee in so u don't have to go twice.

Gabi: Ok

As Terrel goes to get a solo cup Gabi takes seat on the toilet trying to brace herself for what might happen. Terrel comes back with the cup and hands it to Gabi, she goes in it and when she done she exits the bathroom with the cup in hand.

Gabi: Ok give me the test.

Terrel hands Gabi the box, she opens the package and dips both pregnancy test in. They decide to wait ten minutes before they check the results. This is the longest ten minutes of their life, while they wait they have a short conversation.

Gabi: What am if I am pregnant baby, what am I gonna tell my mom, my sister, dad, and the rest of my family. They're gonna be so disappointed in me.

Terrel: Gabi I've met your mother and she seems like a nice understanding woman, and
you've told me how understanding and supportive your family is, based off of that I think you would be more disappointed in yourself than anyone in your family.

Gabi doesn't respond, she takes a moment to think about what Terrel said, maybe he's right maybe they won't be disappointed in her. The ten minutes has passed it's time to check the test, as nervous as she is Gabi gets up and grabs both test immediately flipping them upside down, to afraid to see the results. Terrel comes behind her and grabs her by the waist to comfort her, "Baby it's ok, what ever happens I swear Ima be there we got this" Terrel says trying to comfort Gabriella. She turn and looks at him with desperate eyes, "Promise me you'll stay with, please" Gabi said with tears running down her face. Terrel looks at her with soft eyes, and whispers a quiet "I promise". Gabi finally turn the tests over and not to her surprise she see's that both test are positive, she turns to hug Terrel and begins to cry on his chest.

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