Chapter 9 (The Play)

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After leaving the cemetery all Gabi can think about us the next time she'll see Antonio, but all that Terrel can think of is how he hopes that they never see each other again. The two of them plus Alex load back into the car they arrived in and begin to drive. On the way back Terrel decides to break the silence and ask the question he'd been wondering, only doing so to rule out the option of overthinking.

Terrel: Babe I'm just gonna ask u straight up, do u still have feelings for him?

Gabi: What?! (she says kind of startled because not only was she dreaming of kissing him the whole time they'd been in the car but she even wished that he was in the car with her, just the two of them alone)

Terrel: What you mean what, do u still have feelings for him or not?

Gabi shakily answers "honestly I'm not sure"

Terrel smashes on the breaks unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car, Gabi is somewhat scared and Alex is just confused, he rushes to Gabi's side of the car and opens the door instructing her to get out, Alex leans forward in her seat not knowing what's going to happen next, Terrel closes the car door and looks into Gabriella's eyes "Listen if you need time to work out your feelings then take it, cuz I'm not gonna sit here and let u play me like a fool, understand" he says in a stern voice, Gabi's eyes are widened, she's shaking because he so close she could feel his breath on her face. She answers with a shaky "yes" and gets back in the car.

As they continue to drive the car ride is filled with silence, they finally get back to Gabi's home and when they enter no one speaks they just all take showers and change back into their pajamas. While Terrel is still in the shower Gabi gets a call from Antonio, peering around the corner to make sure he isn't getting out she answers

Call Dialogue:
Gabi: Hello

Toni: Wassup

Gabi: Hey

Toni: What you doin shorty?

Gabi: I just got out the shower, what about u?

Toni: Nun, chilling but what u got going tomorrow ?

Gabi: Umm as far as I know nothing

Toni: Ok cool so umm I was wondering if you'd wanna come and get dinner with me, and I guess your ole dude can come too to keep his ego from getting bruised so badly

Gabi: Oh wow Antonio I'd love that but for one I'm almost positive he wouldn't want to come and we know he's not gonna let me go alone

Toni: Well shit then bring your sister, no way he's gonna think sums happening and u got your lil sis there, plus you know it's all innocent I just wanna eat and catch up

Gabi: Hey you know I'll try but I can't make any promises, I'll let you know tomorrow?

Toni: Yea that's cool, ttyl

Gabi: Ok cool

Just then she hears the shower turning off and Terrel is getting out, he takes a few minutes before leaving the bathroom but when he comes out he tells Gabi something

Terrel: Gabi listen, I apologize for the way I acted earlier, I trust u and I know that you wouldn't do me like that, and that's why I'm telling you this..

Gabi: Telling me what babe?

Terrel: I'm leaving, like I'm going back home, I need time and space to clear my head and I just can't do it with you around.. I'm sorry

Gabi: Terrel I'm pregnant with your baby and you're telling me you need time and space from me

Terrel: Yeah exactly, your pregnant with MY baby and you still have feelings for your ex from fucking 5 OR 6 YEARS AGO

Gabi: I never said that I did.

Terrel: But you also didn't say that you don't, and when the answer to a question is no you are completely sure about it, you wouldn't need time to think about it

Gabi: You know what nigga just go, I don't have time for this and for you to even think about walking out on me says a lot

Terrel: Don't u try to turn this around on me, and you're acting like I said I'd never talk to you again or sum, I'm going home and I planned on seeing you as soon as you got back to Brooklyn too, don't make me out to be some guy who abandons his baby momma and child only three months into the pregnancy

Gabi starts to cry and in a wave of emotions she screams at Terrel to leave, so he starts to pack all the things he brought with him and next thing you know he was at a hotel for the night booking the next flight to Brooklyn, New York.

Gabi sits around for hours avoiding leaving her room so that she won't have to explain to her little sister what she was hearing from a few rooms down. At some point it is inevitable that she leaves so as she works up the courage to step out of the door she peaks down the hall and sees Alex on the couch, she walks down to her and says hi

Alex: Hey

Gabi: So umm let's talk

Alex: About what, how u just told the father of your child to leave or how u were on the phone with Antonio thinking that no one knew

Gabi: Oh shit u heard that, I'm sorry Alex I didn't know

Alex: Yeah I bet u didn't

Gabi finds this conversation too much to have with her younger sister and decides to go outside for a breather, as she steps outside of her door she sees a strange looking car parked across the street, as she's looking trying to figure out if her neighbors had purchased a new car the door opens and out steps a muscular tall figure gleaming his masculine beauty at her. 

"Toni?" Gabi says in a quiet voice as he walks over to her.

Toni: I couldn't stay away Gabs, sorry.

GUYSSS!! I know I haven't updated this story in super long and I can't guarantee that I'm back but enjoy!

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