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Summer was ending and school was going to be starting soon and Kie had somehow convinced her parents to let her go to the local high school. Today, I invited Kie over to meet John B and Pope. It was just going to be a casual thing. Meaning, John B and Pope had no idea I was dating Kie.

It was early and I told Kie to meet me at the beach and we were going to surf. John B and Pope were with me.

We all hit the water together and it was like Kie had been in our group forever. I flirted with her and she shot me down every single time. The guys thought it was hilarious she kept turning me down, but little did they know that I was her boyfriend.

We have every intention of telling them, just not quite yet. After surfing, Kie brought us to the Wreck and smuggled some free food for us. We took it out on the HMS pogue. We anchored and hung out. We swam, drank lots of beer, and just hung out all day.

Kie hung out with us all week. She became one of us.

Kiara's POV:

I started hanging out with JJ's friends, Pope and John B and it was so much fun. I felt like I finally had the friends I had been searching for my whole life. Today, John B and I were going surfing as Pope and JJ had to work.

John B told me about his dad the treasure hunt he was on. Apparently, John B's uncle was supposed to be here taking care of him but he was MIA. John B said his father was declared missing, but he believed he was still out there somewhere.

My heart broke for John B. He was all alone, just like JJ. Maybe that's why they are so close. Suddenly, I get how they think my kook life is a dream.

"John B, I'm sorry about your dad. I really hope he comes home.."

"Yeah, me too.." He said hugging me

It was late and I went back home and worked the next few days at the Wreck,


A few days had past and I had been trying to text Kie and she wasn't responding. I stopped texting her and I went to hang with John B.

I really wanted to tell him that I was dating Kiara, but he would give me shit for dating a kook. So I kept it to myself.

John B and I went out on the HMS Pogue and spent the day on the water. Pope joined us too after helping his dad and studying. That boy was so obsessed with school.

That night, I went home and Kie still hadn't texted me back. I began to replay the past few days with her. What did I do wrong? Was she mad at me? Did she find some kook she liked more?

I finally got a text from her to meet me tonight at the beach. The day took forever as I was so excited to finally see her.

I got there early and she walked over to me.

"So who is the new kook boy you left me for?" I asked pissed at her

"Shut up, you know there is no kook boy.." She said

"My mom found out that I was hanging with you and she's convinced I'm ruining my life. That I will end up pregnant just like she did and that you'll turn into your father and a bunch of other stupid shit."

"Damn.." I said feeling bad for her

She looked at me and she broke down. I've never seen her like this. When you think of a kook, you think of a big house, two perfect parents, tons of money. I never realized she has her own issues.

I pulled her into my arms and said, "I'm sorry, Kie.."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." She said

We sat down and looked at the stars and she told me that her dad used to be a pogue and her mom was a bitchy kook and she got pregnant with Kie. Now they are married and her dad acts like he was never a pogue. She said that drives her crazy.

"Kie.." I whispered

"What?" She asked

I wiped her tears away and said, "Someday, I will marry you and we will have kids and we'll all be pogues. I promise you, I will never turn into my father."

She got a huge smile and asked, "You want to have kids?"

"No, I never wanted kids. I never wanted a kid to have to know my dad as their grandpa or hear about how their grandma left me. I never wanted to pass my DNA on because of how fucked up my childhood has been... Until I met you. Now, I can't imagine not having a baby with you. A little girl with your curls and beautiful smile.."

She had tears in her eyes and said, "You will be an amazing dad. I want a little boy, just like you.."

I kissed her and we laid on the beach together.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but I need to get home before my parents come to check on me and I'm not there."

We got up and she went to her car and I walked to my bike. I hugged her and said, "Goodnight, Kie."

"Goodnight, JJ.." She said smiling

I shut the car door and she left. I got on my bike and went home.

Kie texted me: I miss sleeping next to you

JJ: I miss not sleeping next to you 😉

Kie: you're such a boy

Kie: but you're my boy

Kie: and i love you so much, Jackson James Maybank

My heart started racing. I've never felt loved by someone before and I felt everything with Kie.

JJ: i love you, Kiara Anna Maybank

Kie: WHAT?!

JJ: just seeing how it sounds... you know for future reference

Kie: so? how's it sound?"

JJ: like it was meant to be

Kie and I continued texting until we fell asleep. I woke up to a house to myself, which was good and bad. Bad because I loved sharing a house with Kie. Good because it meant my dad wasn't home.

I went to hang with John B today. Pope was unavailable as he had to work for his pops today.

John B and I went out in the marsh and drank some weed and smoked some beers.

I spent the night at John B's place and Pope came over too. It was a typical night for all of us, we were all just missing Kie.


I hope this story has been okay so far. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thank you for reading. It means SOOO much to me. 

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