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I had gotten all ready for the party tonight at home and I knew Kie was with the pogues at Sarah's getting ready so I went to her house. I rang the doorbell and her mom answered.

"Wow, you look very handsome, but Kie is at Sarah's."

"Uhm thank you, but I actually wanted to talk to you and Mr. C."

"Come in.." She smiled

She went and found her husband and we were all sitting on the couch and Mike looked at me like he knew what was about to happen.

"I just wanted to thank both of you for your generosity towards me. I know that I don't come from a good family or from the right side of town..." I spoke and Anna sorta cut me off

"JJ, we were so wrong before and we apologize for that. You are a great kid and you brought our daughter back to us."

"I would do anything for Kie. I love her more than anyone else in this world. She has taught me so much and home for me is wherever she is. I know we are still in high school but I can't live without Kie and I never want to. I don't have a set time but I'm here to ask for your permission to marry your daughter?" I asked and my heart was racing, my hands were sweaty, my stomach was in knots

They both looked at me and then at each other.

"If I got a say in this, Kiara would be dating someone like Ben. A kook, with money, a perfect family, college all paid for, she would be set for life. I never wanted my daughter to live like I did growing up, like a pogue. She deserves the absolute best which is what Anna and I have always tried to give her. But Kiara is stubborn and she has made it very clear she isn't interested in the kook life. And she's like her mother, she does what she wants." Mike, her father said and he was making me super nervous

"Thank you for coming here and asking for our permission but ultimately, it doesn't matter what we say. Kiara will make her own decision." Mike finished and I had no idea what to say or do

It sounded like he said no but he couldn't stop it if that was what Kiara wanted.

"JJ, you have our permission to marry Kiara." Anna said smiling at her husband who nodded in agreement

I felt so much more relaxed and I said, "Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Carerra."

Mike said, "Thank you for coming here, I know it wasn't easy. It really means a lot and show's the kind of man you are."

"I do have to ask, do you have plans to propose soon?" Anna asked

"No plans yet. Just waiting for the right moment."

"So you have a ring?" She smiled

"Yeah, I do.." I said

She smiled and hugged me and said, "Thank you for coming over, you better get to that party."

I shook Mike's hand and I got on my bike and went to the boneyard. I had permission to make Kie my wife. I couldn't believe it. I got to the party and I walked in and saw Kie talking to Sarah. She looked so beautiful. She told me that we needed to talk and we stepped away from everyone and she said, "I danced with Ben.."

"You danced with him?" I asked confused

"Yeah, you weren't here and he asked me to dance as I was alone and a slow song came on. He invited me on a trip around the world in his gap year next year and I said that I already had a trip planned with you and I walked away." She said nervously

I was confused and I said, "I don't see the big deal. It was just a dance nothing else, right?"

"No, nothing but the dance."

"Don't be sorry, I told you before that I trust you. Besides, Ben doesn't get to do this.." I said kissing her

We made out and then we went back to the party and got a drink. The six of us were all together and I looked at Kie and whispered, "Can we go home?"

"JJ Maybank wants to go home? Like leave a party?" She teased

"Hell yes, because I'm leaving with you." I kissed her

I stood up and said, "Happy new year, we're outta here."

We were leaving and I realized I had my bike and it was the middle of winter. Kie was going to freeze.

"Shit, I drove my bike here."

"It's okay.." She said

I gave her my only helmet and got on the bike. She got on behind me and she wrapped her arms around me. I loved when she was the girl on the back of my bike. I drove back to my house and I took the helmet off Kie and picked her up and carried her inside.

"Wow, so formal.." She laughed

"Just practicing for the wedding." I joked

"I will not be on your bike in a wedding dress." She laughed as she kissed me

It was 11:30 pm and she was loosening my tie.

"I thought you wanted to wait until after midnight."

She laughed and said, "I changed my mind."

I lifted her dress over her head and we were up for hours. I thought about proposing so many times tonight but I didn't want to be basic and do it on New Year's Eve. Kie was asleep in my arms and this was my favorite way to fall asleep.

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