*Chapter 25*

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*CHUCKY'S P.O.V*                           

I looked at Glen and (Y/N) smiling with each other, I huffed and closed my eyes, "where to next?" I hear (Y/N) say with a happy voice. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Glen and (Y/N). "WE SHOULD GO TO THE POKEMON CENTER!" I saw their faces glow bright and smiled brightly, 'God.. so much energy.. eh? Pokemon Center? I wonder what the fuck is that?' I thought while I see them looking at me with the a happy grin, "eh?" I looked at my son and my girlfriend, "do you think its a good idea that we should go to the Pokemon Center?!" I looked at (Y/N) while she said excitedly, "YEAH! Do you think its a good idea?!" I turned my head to look at Glen when he excitedly said.

I sighed, "Doesn't seem to be any bit of a problem. Yeah let's go" They both hugged me and said 'thank you'

(Y/N) reversed and started to drive, "hey.. um guys" I hear a little voice from Glen, "Yeah? Whats up, son?" I said, (Y/N) nodded, "Yeah? Whats up, Glen?" I heard Glen clear his throat, "I-I was wondering if.. I can spend the night?" the panic started to build up 'Shit.. Shit...Shit..SHIT'

"Well-" I was caught off by (Y/N), "Well, of course you can!" 'fuck.. but.. Tiffany. She's going to kill me! Did he even ask his mom?!' "Did you ask your mom..?" I asked, "Oh! no I didn't.. I will call her!" 'Oh fuck.. Son, I am sorry but I really don't wanna hear your bitch ass mom..' Glen picked up his phone and called his Mother, We all heard two rings then she picked up.

"Hey Glen Sweetheart, what's up?" I cringed by her voice, "Hey mom I have a question, if it's ok with you, but I did ask permission!" I looked at (Y/N) and glared at her, She looked at me and with a questionable look and back at the road. "Mhm? Go on" I hear Tiffany say. "If it's ok if I spend the night with miss (Y/N) and Dad!" I taped her shoulder and shot (Y/N) with a glare but a concern look, she looked at me and her eyes soften knowing what's on my mind, she turned her head and looked at the road, "Well.. of course you can, sweetheart! But did they say are they alright with it?" I heard Tiffany say, I started to calm down, and sighed of relief, I hear (Y/N) giggled by my reaction. "It's gonna be ok, baby" she whispered to me, I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! They said it's ok with it!" I relaxed and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and she held mine.

"Well, ok sweetheart! Go have fun! Bye bye!"

"Bye bye, Mom!" I heard a tap on the phone, "Well! I can spend the night! Yay!" Glen said happily, "Yay!" (Y/N) said with a big smile of her face while she's looking at the road, I smiled 'she's so cute.. I'm glad she loves my son.. I swear I need to tell Glen that he needs to ask his mom first to do something like that... that mother fucker scared the fuck out of me..' I looked at the road and signed

"Hey.. Um dad" I stopped looking at the road and turned my head to look at Glen "hm?" He gave me a worry look, I have him a look of confusion, "um.. uh.-" he looked away from me and looked back at me "-I wanted to ask you some questions, sense we're going to Tokyo.. which of course takes a hour and 2.." he gulped while he said nervously.

I sit up and looked at him with full on seriousness, "sure, I don't mind you asking me a few questions" he nods, "if it's ok if (Y/N) can answer too?" He said while he shifted nervously.

"Of course I can answer some of the questions! If I can" I heard (Y/N), I nod at him to continue.

"Why do you and mom hate each other?"

My eyes widen and I kept looking at him, moved my eyes to look at (Y/N), she had a look where she didn't wanna be part of this question, my eyes soften and sighed.

I looked at Glen, "Well.. I wouldn't say, I hate her-" 'I absolutely fucking hate her' "-we just have disagreements."

I saw him nod, "another question.." he paused and looked at me in the eye and glared, I stared back with an emotionless expression, "Why did you leave us." It hit me, he looked at me with so much hate when he asked that question, I burst out laughing. (Y/N) hit me on the arm, "what's wrong with you?! He's your son and he wants-" I interrupted her, "that's funny." I wiped a tear out of my left eye and looked at Glen, he gave me an expression I haven't seen before. Betrayal

I looked away "Listen son, I never left you. I would never leave you-" I was interrupted by him screaming, "YOU LAIR!" I looked at Glen, tears was falling down from his face, he looked at me, "MOM SAID YOU LEFT ME BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T WANT ME ANYMORE!" My eyes widen from hearing that, from the corner of my eye (Y/N) hit the breaks and she turned her head to look at Glen, "what..?" She said with a sad tone. He pointed at me and yelled, "SHE SAID THAT YOU DIDN'T WANT ME NO MORE!"

I looked down and my hand turned into a fist, "let's go back. I wanna talk to your mom-" I looked at Glen and yelled, "-I WILL NEVER LEAVE MY SON! EVER!" I grabbed my shirt glaring at my son.

(Y/N) nods and turns around, we all stood there very quietly. It took 30 minutes to get back to Glen's Hotel, (Y/N) Parked the car in front of the entrance of the hotel. I didn't look at Glen nor (Y/N), my blood was boiling from what his mom said. 'WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT AND LIE TO MY SON! I NEVER WANTED TO LEAVE HIM I NEVER DID! SHE TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME! FROM ME! SHE NEEDS TO TELL TO HIS FACE AND TELL HIM THE TRUTH!' I looked at the entrance of the hotel and I broke the silence, "call your mom."

"But-" I snapped, "Call your mom!" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to look to see a worry (Y/N), I sighed.


"Yeah? What happened?"

"come outside."

I got out of the car and leaned on it, I saw (Y/N) and Glen out of the car. I sighed and cross my arms. Few minutes later, I see Tiffany coming out, I shot her a glare.

"Yeah? what happened-" I cut her off, "Wheres Glenda." She looks at me and responds "shes in the room sleeping. Again, Whats going on?" I glared at her, "You fucking bitch! YOU TOLD OUR SON A FUCKING LIE ABOUT ME?!" she looked at me and glared, "The fuck you talking about, Chucky." I held up my hand and about to slap her and a hand grabbed my arm, I turned to see (Y/N) grabbed my arm.

*(Y/N) P.O.V*

I saw Chucky's Hand going up to slap Tiffany, I quickly grabbed his arm, He turned and glared at me, His eyes soften when he saw me, I mouthed 'don't'. I saw Glen and Tiffany face shocked face, I pushed Chucky back. "Ma'am.. Glen told Chucky that you told him that he never wanted his son at all, so that Chucky just left you three." I explained, Tiffany eyes soften and looked at Glen with such sad eyes. "I am so sorry, sweetheart. That wasn't true.." I looked at Glen and saw Glen eyes widen, "but.. you said.." Tiffany shook her head, "The truth was your father was a bad influence for you.. so I left him." I looked at Chucky, he smirked.

I looked at Glen his face was just shocked

"I'm sorry sweetheart." Tiffany said, I kept looking at Glen and he just nods and goes inside the car. I let go of Chucky and he pointed at Tiffany, "You fucked up." He went inside the car, I looked at her, "sorry." I walked away and went inside the car, I start up the car and drove away.

'now, what.. they are quiet.'


October 16, 2021

(Sorry for not posting yet, I'm still working on it sorry about that I had a flash flood while I got home and the WiFi has been bad, I'll be working as fast as I can)

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