Somewhere in Switzerland.

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The drama didn't show how Elijah felt and the connection she has with Gaon. Yes, the family bond and love is strong between Elijah and Yohan, and Yohan will go to ends of the world for Elijah, but that doesn't mean Gaon won't too. Gaon's first action after the courthouse bombing was to go to Elijah. When Soo Hyun and Elijah were in trouble , he's instinct was to save Elijah first even though Soo Hyun was outnumbered. When Yohan was in prison, he made sure Madame Ji stayed by Elijah's side. He wrote the letter to comfort Elijah and to tell what Yohan sacrifice for her and he cook the porridge for her.So yeah hehe... so here goes and apologies for all grammar and structural mistake.Plus...I think I read an idea at tumblr about Elijah at control centre and Yohan and Gaon fight crime or something.

The noise woke Elijah from her sleep. Drowsily , she raised her , head , when she saw it was her uncle beside her , she looked alert and automatically tried to switch off the monitor.

Yohan looked down at his niece and pointed to the monitors.

"What do you think, you are doing ? I thought you were doing your university project not spying on someone , you little pervert. "

Realizing that she was caught red handed, Elijah tried to remain calmed and switch back the monitor.

All the monitors were at different angle of the house , one was at his gate , another was zoomed outside his house , where his outside table and plants are . The magnified one , was directed at Gaon's window which seemed like he's living room.

"How long this stalker-ish habit of yours been going on ?" demanded Yohan.

"Ever since you came back without Gaon . " Yohan sighed. They had been through this, it was not the right time for Gaon to be with them. It was a month after the court house explosion, Yohan was presumed dead. No one had suspected that he had escaped and he would have left it that way way........except he couldn't do that to Gaon. Gaon had lost so many people in his life already . Yohan looked and rubbed the scar on his hand.

Anyway , Gaon was sure to search for Elijah after the explosion , he couldn't cover up for Elijah disappearance to both him and Madame Ji.

"I was worried for Gaon. I wanted to know whether he is doing ok being left behind with all the mess you made , "Elijah sarcastically. Ouch! There they go again. Their relationship had gotten better after they left Korea , but now and again they still have heated argument although it was not as hostile as before. Their relationship was still a work in progress, both of them were not use in showing affection but they were heading there.

"I know it's not fair but I had to do what was needed to do. I saw an opportunity and I grabbed it, it was also the best time to start on your treatment."

"So Gaon was collateral damage ?"

"That's not fair. You know it was dangerous to bring him along , I've killed the most powerful people in Korea , it would be suspicious if he drop everything and left the country. You were in the shadows, hardly anybody outside our connection that realise you are my niece. Your safety and well being is still my number one."

The two of them remained silent, both of them looked at the monitor. There were two people at the porch table. Elijah tried to magnify that camera to have a clearer picture. They could make out the second figure as Madame Ji. It was night time in Korea, both of them were eating outside, laughing and having a drink.

Looking at the monitor Yohan could not help having a feeling of home sickness. He missed Gaon's company, he missed seeing his cheerful smile, his attempt at trying to talk sense to him, the way he try to coarse him to join any family activity with Madame Ji and Elijah. Definitely he missed the cooking. Both he and Elijah nearly burned the house down at their first attempt to cook Korean pancake.

Madame Ji, dear old Madame Ji, with her straight face , no nonsense look, she really has a golden heart and to see them together on Gaon's birthday was heart-warming ( Yohan still doesn't know that Gaon's birthday was last month) . But it increases the feeling of longing in him.

Switzerland was great, Yohan had a lot of time to do his reading and even had business collaboration in the country. He spends more time to help Elijah.

Elijah's treatment was improving . It was hard and to see Elijah in so much pain was heart breaking. There were drawbacks at first, as her muscles had deteriorate for quite some time , it was hard for her body to support the treatment. They had her undergo a strict diet regime as well as intense physiotherapy session before any stem surgery. Now , she can walk slowly with the help of crutches, she is still diligently continuing her physiotherapy session to increase her muscle mass and reduce the nerve pain.

Yohan heard sniffling and realised that Elijah was crying. He put his hand on her shoulder. That caused her to sob even louder.

"Have you been watching him every evening?" Elijah shook her head .

"Not every evening. Just when I feel like I really miss him or when everything is so hard and I wanted to see his face, " sniffled Elijah. " He's not talking to us and he sometimes miss our calls and he's not coping well , and he comes back late and tired. He looks so skinny and he's eating all by himself ,he's always busy and he didn't want to talk to me . He thinks we abandoned him and he thinks I haaate him," rambled Elijah. Yohan hugged his niece tight. "Oh Elijah, he doesn't think that"

"He does, he does, I never said goodbye, I just left. At least you went back. He thinks that he hurt me because of what he done to you. He thinks that I never forgave him that's why he doesn't want to talk to me. Every time I called he cut it short , he doesn't want to look at my face. He doesn't smile like he used to and it's been more than a year. And we're losing him and its dangerous for him to be alone there by himself. "Yohan hugged Elijah tighter. He didn't know that it was hard for Elijah. He wanted her to focus on her treatment, Elijah was always so strong, he didn't know that Gaon would affect her that much. He finally let go when her sobbing subsided. He smiled and patted her head.

"We'll figure out something. I miss him as well." Elijah smiled nodding her head. Yohan looked at the screen. "How did you manage to get this video?" " Each angle is from different cctv camera around Gaon's house." "You hacked into Korean cctv, how is that possible ?""Satellite." "You hacked a satellite?!" Elijah shook her head "I bribe someone to hack into a Russian satellite to get this footage , theirs is further from earth atmosphere." Yohan's eyes grew bigger. " You bribed someone ? Who taught you that?" "You did, don't think I wasn't listening when you have your secret discussion with K."

Yohan was lost with words. He didn't know whether to be appalled or proud. He walked out of the room and notice the painting of Gaon near her bed and felt his heart ache. Elijah was right if he doesn't do anything, they will lose Gaon. 

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