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#hehe I couln't think of any other chapter topic.....

Gaon  gasped  and splashed   trying to stay above the water which was an impossible task especially with his feet weighed down by the chain. The level had reached way above his head and water was still gushing out from the tube. His glass cage was narrow, he still managed to pull himself up above the water by using  both his legs and body to lean on the walls.But with the injuries that he sustained and the chain anchoring him, he was getting  weaker and slipping his hold on the cage walls.

He looked desperately at  Yohan. 

Young MIn was jumping up and down clapping his hands like a mad man. 

"The great Yohan has kneel in front of me ," he said gleefully  and walked towards Yohan. He kneeled down  and gave him a hug whispering , " How does it feel to be  at the receiving end?" He got up and went to the big screen. 

"My....My... already 90850. That was fast wasnt it ?" Yohan glared at Young MIn. Painfully , he got up. VP Shim was still pointing the gun at him. 

" What is it that you want Young Min ? My apologies ? "  Young Min's expression changed , he walked up to Yohan , their faces were so close to each other, Yohan didn't step back and stared  to the face that has changed into a snarl and Young Min's  eyes blazed with anger and sheer hatred towards him. 

" I don't want your apologies! I want you to suffer! I want you to see the people that you care die before you take  a gun  to your head and blow your self  just like my mother !"  

"Your mother didn't have to die , she choose it ." Challenged Yohan. 

"Being locked up in jail and see all her life's work gone and being mocked by the foundation is far worst than death! "

"She ruin other people lives !" 

"COLLATERAL DAMAGE ! Like HIM ! Like THEM!" shouted Young Min pointing  towards Gaon and pointing towards the Mansion still shown on the big screen. 

Yohan closed his eyes trying to ease the pain. He knew that there was no reasoning here. He took a deep breath, shifting his weight on his good leg. He opened his  eyes and  glanced towards Gaon  to see how he was doing .

Gaon had slipped back into the water, trying exhaustingly to pull himself up , with his legs and arms  supporting him , pushing against both walls of the cage. Yohan knew that he couldn't last long in that position.The aquarium cage itself was ten feet tall, it has now  reached more than eight feet, Gaon definetely could not hold himself up to ten feet with the chain straining him down. 

Young Min wanted him to see Gaon drown infront of him.

He prayed Elijah was doing better in the mansion.Being with Elijah this whole year made him realise how strong his niece was. Although  being there during her therapy , Yohan felt  happy that Elijah leaned on him for emotional support, crying in his arms when the pain was too much. 

He knew that he had one option and that option was not even fool proof. Some where in that room there was one bomb that didn't detonate. Yohan had counted the blast  but through the flying debris , the explosion , the smoke, and making his way to the escape route he couldn't pinpoint where the faulty bomb was . Yohan's team had configured his handphone to send out a higher frequency signals than before   to act as a detonator. Problem was this solution was faulty as the bomb itself, it wou depend  on luck and Yohan did not believe in luck.Another fault of the plan is that  not knowing the location of the bomb could put Gaon in danger.The trigger button also act as a signal to his team, which they will storm the room.He didn't push the button earlier because he didn't know what else is up Young Min's sleeve.Now knowing that he was alao targeting Elijah, Yohan knew that he had to be really careful and to buy time.Young Min was crazy calculative ,he wasn't reckless...

"90990.......90990 " Both the announcers sounded confused and they were looking around the studio. 

"What the....." said Young Min, he took out his phone , dialled the the tv   station and asked them what had happened  

"Hyung? What happened, why isn't it moving? "Asked VP Shim looking nervously at Young Min. Young Min had his   back turned on them. His body was shaking. Yohan wondered whether he  was trying to control his anger.. When he turned towards them   they saw that he was laughing and wiping the tear from his eyes. Which was worst...Much worst...A smile was plastered on his face as he walked back to Yohan. 

"He's  ' little niece '  overide the system with a virus. SMART really smart"he appraised Yohan. 

" Come on Young Min , all this for your mother? The woman that looked down on you , your whole life. The one that threw you under the bus? There was a away to save you from your punishment, but your mother was more worried on her reputation than her only child. You didn't care a while ago, " said Yohan egging him.Gaon cage was already filled with water and he was submerged. Gaon was holding his breath and reducing his struggles. Yohan knew that there was little time.Their eyes met , Gaon was shaking his head telepathicly telling him to let him go if the option was between Elijah and him. Yohan looked back at Young Min his brain was trying  to find another way.

"Yohan...Yohan....No wonder you were the bastard judge that you were. You didn't emphatise with me , when I beg you because you had no emphaty.Tsk you know how long I wanted her to look at me lovingly as her sonl For her to hug me.....Guess you wouldn't know if you don't have a mother........" Young Min took  something out of his jacket slowly and dramatically making sure Yohan saw what it was.Yohan kept quiet as he saw the item.He watched as Young Min played around with it, toying with him, moking him. 

It was a manual detonator ....and Yohan knew where the exlosions were.

 "Young Min..." he said gently.


" Nooooooo!" Roared Yohan, he pressed the button on his handphone, not thinking of the outcome just that he had to do something,anything...

The explosion was loud and the force of the blast  flung all three  men a few meters away .VP Shim landed on the  ruins where the audience used to sit, Young Min  crashed unconsciously at the right side of the room.Yohan was flung and crashed  to one of the rubbles where the pillars used to be.

Dazed , Yohan tried to get up.His ears were ringing  from the blast.Disoriented and in pain, he could only make out a figure approaching. When the figure came closer, he realised that it was VP Shim holding the gun , aimed to shoot at him.

As VP Shim was going to squeeze the trigger, a large rock smashed on his head.For a while , it looked like he was going to fire but then... He's eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground.

Behind him stood Gaon.......

#last chaper coming soon... not that happy with this, but with all the things happening currently , this is the only thing that  pop up. Thank you for still reading.... and the comments 

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