Body at the bank

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"Gaon....Gaon are you ok?  Gaon....Gaon"

The voice sounded  distant and familiar. 

His  head felt like it wanted to explode.He's whole body hurts.

Gaon tried to gather his senses.His hands were tied above his head, he was hung up with only his toes touching the ground.

"Gaon....Gaon......" The voice ...where was it coming from? 

He tried to answer back but his voice couldn't come out.His throat felt swollen and dry.

Even with the pain  he felt so so sleepy. Gaon tried to shake the drowsiness away, he felt like he was in water and trying to keep a float.With much effort he tried to open one of his eyes , the other one seemed sealed shut.

His vision was blurry,he tried hard to focus, trying to make sense on where he was .At first he could only see darkness , then slowly he's eye got use to the dark and he could make out that he was in a storeroom. There were shelves and boxes around him. His hands were handcuffed to a chain attached to the ceiling.He tried to move his legs  but pain shoot up his body. 

Gaon could feel himself going back into unconscienceness.He shook his head, he need to be alert , he need to remember what had happened...

################################Two days befores###############################--

Gaon received a call from Chief Jo to meet him and lawyer Ko at the Seokchon Lake. There were already police cars and reporters  when he got  there. Chief Jo and his officers were at the bank , crouching  around a body bag.

Lawyer Ko was already there walking along the bank trying to find any piece of evidence that  could show them what had happened. Gaon was pretty sure the police would have already written everything in their report He waived to Gaon when he saw him, and together they both approached Chief Jo.

There were a few policemen controlling the crowd  of spectators that were curious  on what was happening , most of them had whipped out  their handphones and taking videos of the body bag , the police setting up the crime scene tape around the area  and taping a video of themself  reporting unofficially what they assume was happening.No doubt to be broadcasted in their own youtube channel thought Gaon  . Reporters were waiting for Chief Jo to make an official statement and busy taking photo

 " Lawyer Ko , Judge Kim. I would like to introduce you to Mrs Bang. Age 52 years old, married with one daughter age 25 years old. Both mother and daughter work in the same company Triangle Corporation. Whereabouts of daughter unknown.Next of kin, husband, Mr Kim age 60, factory worker has been  notified, he will be meeting us at the police station to identify the body" From where he was crouching , he opened slightly the body bag to show the dead women's face . 

"Mrs Bang Mal Nyun ? The one that we have spoken about a few days ago.  The mother that was searching for her daughter, missing in China? " asked Ga On shocked. It just seem a sudden strange of event that the lady was found dead in river. "Do we know what was the cause of death? Who found her? " 

" A jogger found her, here this morning. But from her body seems she has been dead for a few hours  earlier, we're sending her body to the forensic to confirm her time of death and what caused it. When contacting husband, wife went to work yesterday normally finish work around 8pm. When wife didn't return home , he assume she was doing double shift.She was fully clothed, wallet , watch and everything in tack. But she was soaken wet which means that she has been in the water , theres sand in her hair and also blouse. No signs of a struggle, nor any physical  injuries, that we can see off"

" So, we can rule robbery out.My bet was that her body was swept up to the bank due to last night heavy rain," said Lawyer Ko. " Murder ? suicide?" Chief Jo shrugged. 

" I'll send to both of you the report  once I get it ". Chief Jo was about to leave when Ga on stopped him. 

"Chief , you mentioned that you have someone in the company.Is it possible to ask this person whether there was anything happening within these past few days? " asked Gaon. Chief Jo nodded." I'll try to reach her and let you know". And with that he  got up and walked towards the reporters. 

"What's on your mind? " asked Lawyer Ko watching Gaon carefully.

" Something just doesn't seem right. " Gaon looked around " I don't feel like this is a suicide case ". Lawyer Ko nodded his head.

"Then if it's murder . Why ? Is it because she was pestering  the company about  her daughter ? Or maybe she found something ?" Gaon shrugged his shoulder.He looked at the crowd of spectators,not knowing what was it that he was looking for,  and slowly walked out of the park with Lawyer Ko. He did not have a trial case for the day, mainly paper work. 

He felt uneasy,  something was missing but what? He hoped that Chief Jo informant could give some clues to what happen a few days. In the mean time, perhaps he can pay the Triangle company a casual visit and see how the VP was in person......

I'm watching too much drama :p.It will lead somewhere......and tie it back to the three of them. Hopefully I don't drag too long as have some work to do. Thank you for reading and hope you like it.

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