22th Sept 2021

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2pm - Chief Jo rubbed his forehead. His hands were  full today. A fight  had occured   between two rival gangs at Hyungsan dong slum. The reason for the fight was unknown but Chief Jo assumed that it  might be related to  territory dispute. 

Whatever it was, it was affecting public safety, almost all units were despatch there.  Chief Jo looked at his watch.His wife asked him to be back before 9pm.The Triangle Corporation were giving out furnitures to 1000 lucky people, she wanted him to be early so they could view on Tv what are the furnitures that were given away.The voting was going to start at 10pm.They expected more than 10, 000 people will be voting . He and his wife had a fight before he came to work. He didn't want to get a furniture from a company that he was investigating, even if it was free. His wife argued that they haven't got anything new in the house for more than a decade and started rambling on about the relatives . Chief Jo just walked out of the house, he had a lot on his mind.

His informant had gone missing for more than 48 hours.She was required to report in everyday. The last that she reported  was a shipment from Triangle Corporation counterpart in China coming in tonight.She also forward some financial report on the company activities in China to view. It wasn't a complete report, even though it showed some questionable  transactions between the partners it was not enough to get a warrant. She mentioned also that three other young ladies were promoted for the exchange programme.

The other thing on  his mind was Gaon's strange request last night.

First, he had called Chief Jo  to request a surveillance car to be at Jin Joo's house and told him on what he had found.Chief Jo had pointed out that his findings was base on a wild guess and wasn't concrete enough for him to request a surveillance car stationed at her house.But  Gaon had sounded so concern, the best that Chief Jo could do was call the town that Ji Joo stay and request a patrol car.The second time he called, his request was strange.For all that Gaon had been through, Chief Jo understood Gaon's paranoia but there were no signs pointing that Jin Joo was in danger and his request was  absurd. But Gaon didn't let the matter rest and knowing how stubborn Gaon  can be he agreed to follow Gaon's instruction.

Chief Jo arrived at Hyungsan dong slum. The place was like a war zone.Fighting broke out everywhere with their  bats and their chains. Chief Jo was glad there were no guns and machete involved which reduce the death toll.The people at the slum were terrified , children and women were running scattered trying to get away from the fight, some of the men at the slum were mistaken as gang member and got beaten up as well.

His units were there on standby and awaiting order.He ordered to throw tear gas at the mob, as he fired warning shots in the air, his unit with mask moved in .........

An hour later they managed to capture most of the gang members and put yhem in the police truck, a few had scampered to hide in the empty building surrounding that area. All of the buildings are  abandoned and in ruins, a housing area for the homeless and the poor.

"Chief ! Chief! I think you need to see this! " One of the detective from his unit called out, he was covering his nose and kneeling beside a body. There was a strong stench coming from the body

" Dead?" The detective nodded. He turned the body, it was a young lady around twenty five.She was clothed in black hoodie, her lipstick was smeared across her face.But the strangest thing was that her body had decomposed, she definitely did not just die today. It was a sad but normal situation that homeless or poor people die in the slum , on the streets, usually from sickness as they do not have money to get treatment.But this body did not look like it was from the slum and there  were strangle markings on  her neck.

"There's something else ." The detective raised the the lady's hand to show a name tattooed on it 'JUDGE KIM'.

What in the world is going on? Chief Jo immediately took out his phone and dialled Gaon's number.The number was busy. He texted Gaon typing YOU'RE IN DANGER, MOVE TO POLICE STATION.CALL ME IMMEDIATELY!!! 

He ordered two officers to go to Gaon's house . It would be half an hour from the slum. Chief Jo hoped they were not too late. 

He called Lawyer Ko but there were no answers. Where was everybody? 

Chief Jo knew that he had to report to the next person he was dialling. The call went through.

" Hello?"

"We have a situation..." 


Kang Yohan placed the bouquet of flowers on the grave. Alongside it he placed an envelope.The grave was unnamed but it had a picture of a young man.A man that was dear to Yohan, a man who was his friend, his ally, his right hand man, his informant, his eyes, who was loyal and protective to the end, his K. 

Yohan had chosen the location of the grave ,initially he had wanted to bury him beside his father but the father was cremated.It was Chief Jo and Lawyer Ko that had helped to bury K, while Yohan was recovering from his injuries that time.

The grave was inside the Kangs's massive forest land a few kilometres from the mansion , facing the lake. When the sunrises , the light would shimmer on the lake and stream into the forest and  shine on the grave, giving a peaceful atmosphere.By putting the grave near  the mansion, it felt like K was still near him and watching out on the mansion  like he watched over Yohan  when he was alive. 

Yohan had asked the driver to stop at the grave before going back to the mansion . Elijah stubbornly insisting that she wanted to come back with him,  stayed in the car.

" Hello friend, I know I'm a day early from your anniversary.I'm back to settle some matters so I think this is the best time to drop by.In the envelope was something that I wanted to give you when our  quest with the Foundation was over. You had followed me for so many years since you were a teenager.You had never seen other countries, experienced culture, taste difference food meet other people , fall in love. When the job was over, you were free to live you life.I wanted you to go explore on your own, have your own  adventure, I bought you a plane ticket to different countries and a bank account to fund your exploration.Then when you had enough  and if you wanted you can come back and work with me. You were suppose to be free."Yohan touched the grave and felt a tear role down his cheeks.

" I'm sorry that I only thought you about anger and revenge. I wish I had thought you other  things. I'm sorry that I never thank you enough, you were the best friend that I could ever have........." 

Yohan received  the call from Chief Jo when they arrive at the mansion.

He was about to enter the passcode when the door open itself.

"Welcome back, Young Master Kang Yohan........"


I am stumped on how to end this.Apologies for mistakes as the ideas come when I type so it might get weird after this.I know the drama came out in May /june technically so Ks death not suppose to be Sept but heck I just assume the production started last year :p thought that it would be nice to have closure on K.As you notice I don't follow exactly to the drama 100% .But hey, Yohan and Elijah are back...

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