Chapter Four - Lord Raiden's speech

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Liu Li opened his eyes to find his friend bolt up beside him, relief etched into his expression. He tried to sit up and instantly fell back down on his bed, his head spinning.

"Whoa, take it easy buddy. You took quite a beating back there" Riley said with a beaming smile. "You've been out for a few days. I was worried you had took too many blows to the head and would be in a coma for life" Riley sat back down and let out a whistle.

"Ah you're awake I see. That's good, just try to take it easy. I should imagine your head is throbbing right now" The doctor had come into the room and stood by Riley. "Your friend here has barely left your side, you are quite fortunate for his intervention. You could well be in the morgue right now" He continued. "Honestly? Taking on four men, all of which were a lot bigger than yourself? Funny thing about bravery is that it's on a thin line with stupidity" He shook his head and made for the exit. "We would like to keep you tonight but won't if you wish to leave, I'll write a prescription up for some pain killers and you're free to go. Remember though, take it easy!" Liu Li smiled and waved a hand in goodbye. Looking around he found he was in a room with five other beds, all but one had the curtains drawn. The other bed was empty but had flowers and chocolates at the bed side. Riley had followed his friends gaze and laughed.

"You know, the doctors right. It was foolish indeed. There is a girl occupying that bed, she fought off three robbers yesterday evening and was stabbed in the shoulder. Two brave but stupid people lying next to one another in hospital, sounds poetic"  He chuckled softly, "Do you remember what happened?"

"Um, yeah, that bulldozer Matty and his gang rushed me. I held my own for a while but was tagged. Then all I can remember is the sound of my face being pounded" He felt his cheeks and was horrified with the amount of swelling,

"You think it feels bad? Wait until you see it, you look like an Asian smurf" Riley joked making Liu Li smile. "I came looking for you and saw you fall, I thought I'd saved the day when I put the first two down. Then I saw that beast unleashing his fury upon your face, you've been unconscious ever since. But to fair Matty's nose is badly broken and you left one guy with concussion, all in all i'd say you fought pretty well given the circumstance" Just then a girl walked in, a brunette with her hair partly covering her face. She was wearing a hospital gown and was massaging her shoulder with her hand.

"I don't believe it" Liu Li started, "Kimberly?" The girl looked round, staring at him for a moment before her eyes sparked with recognition. 

"Jet Li!? Um sorry, Liu Li right?" She asked, he sat up smiling like an idiot. 

"You're the girl who stopped the muggers?" He asked, trying to hide his surprise.

"And you're the fool who bit of more than he could chew" She laughed, "You're lucky. If you had knocked my apples over again I would have put you in here myself" 

"Wait, is this that - to quote, 'Absolutely gorgeous girl' you literally 'bumped into' then?" Riley spoke up, deliberately putting his friend on the spot. Liu Li's face, despite the bruising shone red again, growing brighter as the other two laughed at his expense.

"It is definitely you then, I'd know those rosy cheek anywhere" She joked, "So you took on four lads then, that's quite impressive. Some day you had, first putting a girl on the floor then half your attackers"

"Do you ever stop with the teasing" He asked, she shrugged her shoulders and winced with the pain

"So what happened with you?" Riley asked her. "I've heard some of the details but I'd like to hear from you"

"Well, I was stacking shelves when they came in, one pointed a gun at my dad telling him to empty the cash into a bag. They didn't know I was there, so I crept up and hit one over the head with my label gun. Then I kicked the gun out of the hands of the main bloke only to find the other mans knife in my shoulder, they took off after that" She pointed proudly to her scar, "Got no thanks from my dad though, He carried me outside so I wouldn't bleed on the floor" Kimberley looked down, for the briefest moment Liu Li thought he had seen pain in her eyes. "Bastard" She growled.

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