Worry Not(#14)

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A/N: I haven't been into Danganronpa in like 3 years and I haven't added to this fic in around 2 years too... so there will probably be continuity errors (the older chapters make me cringe so I refuse to read them srry) so whatever happens here is loosely based off the previous canon :D

Started this fic before I started high school and now I graduate in a few months so I'm gonna release a new chapter cause why not.

This one goes out to all the people telling me to put Leon with Yasuhiro. Chihiro will be back soon too.

And this is completely self indulgent + has little to no direction, so just enjoy the little snippets!

This is getting long but thank you for 100k+ that's absolutely insane


"What do ya mean 'im 'destine to fail?' "

"Sorry bro, its jus' what the cards are telling me."

"Well fuck ya damn cards- reshuffle them or whatever!"

"You can't change what the cards say- now stop touching them man."

"This is bullshit!"

Leon aggressively pounded his fist on the library table in front of him.

"Mondo- can you believe this? Come over here an-"

"I do not care." Mondo shot a passing glance at Leon before continuing his attempt at his math assignments. Despite his boyfriend's tutoring, he still had plenty of missing assignments that needed to be completed before graduation. 'What even are antiderivates anyways?' Mondo sighed looking at his mostly empty worksheet.

Leon rolled his eyes, "What has you in such a shit mood today?" He switched over to Mondo's side of the table and glanced at his paper. "I totally got the answers for those if you need it."

Mondo looked up at Leon with a slight eyebrow raise. "You can do derivatives?"

"Who can do derivatives?" Ishimaru chimed in on the current conversation as he approached the library table. Quietly sliding the chair out, he placed everyones drink orders on the table before stiffly sitting down. Mondo peered over at his boyfriend placing a chaste kiss on his cheek, "What happened to the 'No drinks in the library rule?' "

"I may have bended on my rules slightly. My father suggested that I 'losen up once in a while' and my uncle rudely mentioned that I have a quote unquote 'stick up my...ass' " The last profanity being muttered at an uncharacteristically lower volume than the previous few words.

Leon quirked his eyebrow up a tad bit, "Your unc isn't wrong Taka, you totally do have a tree-sized stick rammed up there. But no worries, that's just the way we like you buddy." Leon picked up his condensing drink from the middle of the table, sliding the leftover drinks to the other members at the table.

Iced-Macha Tea for Taka
White Hot Chocolate for Mondo
Vanilla Chai for-

"Oh yeah this is my friend Hiro by the way," The clairvoyant's eyes shot up in surprise and he gestured a wave. "Yo dude pleasure to meet ya- I can give you a tarot reading for 10 bucks if you're down?" He fished the cards back out of his pockets and spread them out akin to a fan, raising his eyebrow slightly as he looked back up at Ishimaru. "If tarot ain't your thing, I can palm read-" He thrusted his hand out towards the hall monitor. "I can also do crystal ball stuff, that comes at a higher price, but I'm willing to give you a new costumer disco-"

"Apologies for the interruptions, but I have to decline your offer." Taka hastily cut off the eager clairvoyant. He was not exactly in the mood to be advertised to at the moment.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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