Drawings For You! #1

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( the first few chapters are sorta short, but they get longer as the story goes on. This story is sorta bASiC too so read if ya want :)

(Update 2: I'm in the process of rewriting the first 5 chapters so if this just randomly changes into something new that's what happened.

Anyways back to the really bad scheduled programming )

Ishimaru was doing his normal job as a hall monitor, no one ever listened though.

Ishimaru wasn't very tough or scary, but he still loved his job regardless. (Edit 9/22/21 STFUUU

Well one person always listened to him, Mondo Owada.

It always surprised Ishimaru since Mondo seemed to have such a "tough guy" persona all the time.

But everyday Mondo would run down the hallway just to hear Ishimaru tell him to stop.

"Hmm keep running down the hallway like that and I might have to give you a detention. Running in the halls isn't ok in a school environment". Ishimaru handed Mondo yet another warning slip.

He had used so many of his slips on Mondo, it was starting to get ridiculous.

"Oh yeah, sorry Ishimaru, I'm just always in a- a rush!" Mondo quickly came up with an excuse, Ishimaru could never find out the real reason he always ran down the halls.

"Well try to slow down next time."

"Never" Mondo said to himself in his head, slight blush forming across his cheeks.

No other human could make him feel so mushy inside.

During class he counted out all his warning slips, 20 in total, He started drawing the hall monitor on the back of all of them.

"Whatcha doing there dude?" Leon snuck up behind Mondo.

"NOTHING- FUCK OFF!" Mondo yelled defensively while hiding his drawings.

Leon let out a laugh, "Dude you're so red, what are you hiding from me". Leon snatched one of the warning slips that fell on the floor.

"What- who? Who told you you could draw?" Leon laughed once more at the drawings.

Mondo seethed with anger and embarrassment.

"These sorta look like the lame hall monitor kid, making fun of him or something?" Leon looked throughly at the slips.

"He's not lame, and give me those jackass" Mondo snatched the card back from Leon's grip.

Leon stared at Mondo, "You're into guys Mondo?" He questioned.


"Well you're awfully defensive about it" Leon raised an eyebrow at his friend in front of him.

"JUST GO AWAY OKAY!" Mondo scolded Leon.

"Whatever man, you do you I guess" Leon walked back to his seat.

"I mean I do like Ishimaru, but I haven't liked any other guys besides him, so I'm not fully into guys right?"

"Hopefully Ishimaru would like my drawings, they aren't the best, but it's the thought that counts right?"

Mondo pushed his thoughts aside for a bit while he packed up his stuff.

Just as Ishimaru expected. Owada comes running down the halls again.

"Mondo, I've told you multiple times to stop running-" Ishimaru's nagging was cut short by Mondo shoving the papers in his face.

"Uh, um, I uh made you these dude, I know I'm not the best artist but I drew you if you couldn't tell" Mondo shoved the papers in the hall monitors face.

Mondo could feel his face turning red, usually he was able to keep his cool, but he just couldn't this time.

After getting over the fact the drawings were on warning slips, Ishimaru took a good look at them.

"Aww Thank you Mondo, I love them" Ishimaru placed the drawings in his school binder that he always carried.

"So um, I see that you usually sit alone at lunch- you uh wanna sit with me, maybe, you don't have to though-" This time Ishimaru cut Mondo off.

"I would love to!" Ishimaru smiled at Mondo.

"Uh that's great! See you then" Mondo made awkward finger guns at Ishimaru and walked off.

"Fingers guns, really!!" Mondo cringed at his recent actions.

But lunch with Ishimaru was definitely a start.

「【 I Like You Okay! ♡(Ishimaru x Mondo) 】」Where stories live. Discover now