Chapter I

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      "COME ON! YOU TOTALLY CHEATED THAT ROUND!" He waved a fist at Tubbo, preparing himself to throw some hands. "I DIDN'T! PHIL, TELL HIM I DIDN'T CHEAT!" "He can't cheat Tommy, it's a video game." He shook his head and turned the console off. The screaming was getting a bit much for it being this late at night. "Okay off to bed you two, it's getting late." The boys stopped shouting at each other, and instead were conspiring in whispers.

    "I think we could get him to give us hot chocolate." Tubbo whispered not so quietly. Tommy smacked him. "You limp piece of lettuce, you should whisper he could hear our plans." Tubbo smacked him back, "I AM whispering." Tommy rubbed his head where Tubbo had smacked him. "Okay well that definitely was NOT whispering." "It's not like you're even whispering anymore." "Oh crap you're right." They both looked over at Phil who was in the kitchen making something and humming a foreign tune. "Well your dad's so old that he probably couldn't hear the conversation." Phil spun around and stared Tubbo dead in the eyes. "I heard that." The boys froze in terror as Phil walked towards them.

    He held something behind his back, just out of view of the boys, still steadily making his way to the living room. "I also heard that you wanted hot chocolate! Sit at the table or you're not getting any!" Tubbo and Tommy raced to the table banging into furniture and other things creating chaos. "HA, BEAT YOU!" "DID NOT" "DID TOO!" "I-" Phil cut in trying to calm the chaos, "Listen no hot cocoa if you two keep fighting." That shut them right up, both sitting quietly and patiently for their hot cocoa.

    Phil set the cocoa down and went to the sink, cleaning the tools that he used to make the hot cocoa. The children chatted and sipped on their cocoa, talking about school and such. Occasionally, Phil could hear insults being thrown haphazardly and in a lighthearted manner, so he didn't butt in to stop them. A couple minutes after the hot cocoa was served, a knock echoed throughout the house, scaring the inhabitants. "That's probably your dad Tubbo." Phil saied and made his way to open the door. "Awwwww." The boys hugged and said their goodbyes, trailing slightly behind Phil.

    Phil opened the door, expecting to see a man with sideburns and a NY cap. Phil did not see a man with sideburns and a NY cap. He was instead greeted with a woman in a tattered black dress, scratches all over her body, oozing dark blood onto puffy skin. "Phil..." Recognition flashed onto Phil's face as the woman spoke. "Oh my god Kristen, come in, let's get you cleaned up." 

    Phil picked up Kristen and carried her to the bathroom, telling the boys to go to bed in Tommy's room. "DO NOT COME INTO THE BATHROOM, UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED ME!" A mixed response of "Yes Phil!" and  "Okay dad!" came from the boys as they walked into Tommy's room and shut the door.

    "What do you think happened to Mom Tubs?" Tubbo shook his head and replied with a simple, "I have no clue Tommy." The two laid down on Tommy's bed and snuggled into the covers. "Goodnight Tubs." "Good night Tommy."

    Phil sat Kristen up against the tub and grabbed a wash cloth so that he could mop up the blood. "What happened Love?" Kirsten sighed and winced painfully. "I have no clue hun, they just came out of nowhere." Phil nodded along and listened to Kristen recount the events. She told him how she was coming home from work early to surprise Tommy, but was stopped when a horde of people blocked the road. "I swear I didn't mean to, but..." She took a deep breath and held it before letting it out. Phil gently held her hand and continued to clean the cuts and scrapes on her legs. "Phil, I hit someone." Phil stopped cleaning the cuts on her legs and looked up at her. She nodded and a couple tears fell down her face. 

    He put the cloth into the sink and sat down next to her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. "I didn't mean to, I swear." "I know, I know, just take deep breaths, we'll figure this out." "Babe you don't understand, he survived the hit." She resituated the best she could. "And then I got out of the car to make sure he was okay and he just stood up and started to walk towards me. I don't even understand, I was trying to help, but he kept trying to hurt me. Swiping at me like he was trying to hurt me. He did get me, but that's what this scratch is from." She pulled the neck of her dress down so Phil could see the foot long slash that went against her collarbone. "Oh my god Kristen..." "That's not even the worst bit, one of them bit me Phil! The crazy thing bit me!" She leaned the opposite way, taking her head off his shoulder. She stuck her arm out and turned it so Phil could see the wound in all its glory. 

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